Recently our little 6 man guild hit level 40 and we have decided to expand our roster to a small, but functional raiding group. Currently we have 9 members and are looking for a couple more before we start our raiding schedule which will eventually include every end game raid and epic available.
~Some things MBW can do for you~
~Get you geared from any area in DDO
~Teach you the "ins and outs" of end game raiding/epics
~Provide a friendly/positive environment while raiding and in guild chat (don't be afraid to ask questions!)
~ We also don't require you to be flagged for everything, we can help you through this process.
~Preferred adventure packs~
~All epic packs
~Devils of Shavarath
~Vale of Twilight
~Restless Isle
~Necro 4
I say preferred because if you have the majority you will most likely be accepted, we will just be bugging you to get the rest
If you have any questions please submit them on this thread. If you feel that you would like to join MBW please contact me in-game or on here as curingwound and we will test you out!
Please do not bug any Miscellaneous by Weight member online besides Curingwound. It is not their job to answer your questions, it is mine since I am the recruitment officer.
Thanks much