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Thread: I love Adobo!

  1. #1
    Community Member yodino's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Wink I love Adobo!


    I've been mulling for the past few weeks about our guild name. Although Adobo was distinctly Filipino and recognizable, it didn't connect with people from other nationalities that were playing during our primetimes. So I've decided to change the guild name to something more universal. Still distinctly Asian, but with a vibe that everyone in Asia and Australia can relate to.

    Welcome to the Far East Movement (

    Along with the guild name change and web address, I've upgraded the look and of our website. The changes are subtle but noticeable. This is a step towards the guild's vision as a tightly-knit guild of active, talented players doing end-game content during GMT+8 primetimes.

    Adobo is the most popular Filipino dish enjoyed by all classes, and is usually served with steamed white rice. Like the dish, our aim is to make Adobo known to Orien as not just a GMT+8 guild that's comprised mostly of Filipinos. Rather, we aim to show the unique blend of hard work, perseverance, camaraderie, and friendship that exists in our guild just like the spices in our favorite dish.

    Are we a raiding guild? Yes and no. We're not after swelling our guild's ranks with as many level 20's as possible and going after all the server firsts. We realize that taking a game too seriously has dangerous real life consequences. The point of playing is to have fun. With that in mind, once it stops being fun for you or your actions cause someone to stop having fun, then that's when the game stops looking like a hobby and more like a job. A crummy job that has no salary and no dental plan.

    Does that mean that we're a social guild? Yes and no. Just like everyone else, it's fun to get to level 20 fast. It's fun to dress your character up in the best loot possible. It's fun to TR till your head explodes and you unlock the mysteries of the universe (hence the +2 to all stats/skills). We wish our members only the best when it comes to what makes them happy: endgame raiding, multiple TR's, Epic grinding, etc. But not at the expense of a broken eardrum from getting yelled at because they didn't know what to do or emotional distress resulting from guild leaders and officers stroking their e-peens at the cost of others.

    The Recipe:

    Estimated cooking time: about 2 weeks.

    Adobo Ingredients:

    * 1 senile guild leader with a peculiar affinity to miniature giant space hamsters
    * 1 cleric that always gets mistaken as a chick even though he's a dude, minced
    * 2 sorcerers that activates their wonder twin powers at will, diced
    * 1 rickety airship (yes it flies, no it's not the Ritz)
    * 1 cup of raiding stuff on elite every week. Astronomical repair bills are secondary to good times on voice chat.
    * 2 cups of determination that F2P players can buy all the required packs in the game if they stop spending it on stuff like hair dyes and +1 full plates.
    * 1 teaspoon paprika
    * 5 laurel leaves (bay leaves)
    * 4 tablespoons of grease (as long as it doesn't hurt the quest and its done in good taste)
    * 2 tablespoons of keeping our feet on the ground and head from blowing up from too much ego.
    * Salt and pepper to taste
    * And last, but certainly not least. Anyone who appreciates what we stand for, who we are, and actively plays during on GMT+8 prime time.

    There are a few good guilds out there. Phoenix Knights and Epic Fail have some stand up guys that I'm good friends with. Unfortunately, they operate on US prime times. This is our shot at making an active, close-knit guild that loves the game on a GMT+8 timezone, without being ****s.

    Thanks for reading this and if your interested, feel free to visit our website at or chat up any of our members in game. We all understand English, contrary to what people might think.
    Last edited by yodino; 04-01-2011 at 07:32 PM.

    Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
    Visit our website at:

  2. #2
    Community Member Midgavia's Avatar
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    So that's what ADOBO is all about.

  3. #3
    Community Member yodino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midgavia View Post
    So that's what ADOBO is all about.
    Thanks for dropping by Gavi.

    We usually raid with friends from other guilds on Sundays at 8 pm (GMT+8). We've already completed The Shroud on Elite and VoD/HoX on Hard. I realize this isn't anything major to the more established guilds, but it's a step in the right direction. Did I mention that we shortmanned VoD on hard on our first attempt? That was crazy! I wont name names because I'm bad with names and I might run the risk of leaving someone out from the marathon raids that we did last night, but thanks for the help guys!

    Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
    Visit our website at:

  4. #4
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yodino View Post
    The Recipe:

    Estimated cooking time: about 2 weeks.

    Adobo Ingredients:

    * 1 senile guild leader with a peculiar affinity to miniature giant space hamsters
    * 1 cleric that always gets mistaken as a chick even though he's a dude, minced
    * 2 sorcerers that activates their wonder twin powers at will, diced
    * 1 rickety airship (yes it flies, no it's not the Ritz)
    * 1 cup of raiding stuff on elite every week. Astronomical repair bills are secondary to good times on voice chat.
    * 2 cups of determination that F2P players can buy all the required packs in the game if they stop spending it on stuff like hair dyes and +1 full plates.
    * 1 teaspoon paprika
    * 5 laurel leaves (bay leaves)
    * 4 tablespoons of grease (as long as it doesn't hurt the quest and its done in good taste)
    * 2 tablespoons of keeping our feet on the ground and head from blowing up from too much ego.
    * Salt and pepper to taste
    * And last, but certainly not least. Anyone who appreciates what we stand for, who we are, and actively plays during on GMT+8 prime time.
    I hoped for a recipe for food

    (I'm little hungry now)
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  5. #5
    Community Member yodino's Avatar
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    ROFL, here you go Vel.

    Pork / Chicken Adobo Recipe

    Estimated cooking time: 50 minutes. Adobo is the most popular Filipino dish enjoyed by all classes. Adobo is typically served with steamed white rice.

    Adobo Ingredients:

    * 1/2 kilo pork cut in cubes + 1/2 kilo chicken, cut into pieces or
    * choice of either 1 kilo of pork or 1 kilo of chicken
    * 1 head garlic, minced
    * 1/2 yellow onion, diced
    * 1/2 cup soy sauce
    * 1 cup vinegar
    * 2 cups of water
    * 1 teaspoon paprika
    * 5 laurel leaves (bay leaves)
    * 4 tablespoons of cooking oil or olive oil
    * 2 tablespoons cornstarch
    * Salt and pepper to taste
    * 3 tablespoons water

    Adobo Cooking Instructions:

    * In a big sauce pan or wok, heat 2 tablespoons of oil then sauté the minced garlic and onions.
    * Add the pork and chicken to the pan. Add 2 cups of water, 1/4 cup of soy sauce, vinegar, paprika and the bay leaves. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes or when meat is tender.
    * Remove the pork and chicken from the sauce pan and on another pan, heat cooking oil and brown the pork and chicken for a few minutes.
    * Mix the browned pork and chicken back to the sauce and add cornstarch dissolved in water to thicken.
    * Add salt and/or pepper if desired
    * Bring to a boil then simmer for an additional 5 minutes.
    * Serve hot with the adobo gravy and rice.

    Adobo Cooking Tips:

    * You have the option to add crushed ginger to the onions and garlic when sautéing. Ginger adds a unique flavor to your pork/chicken adobo.

    Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
    Visit our website at:

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Gotta say, that recipe does sound really tasty, I may have to make some this week.

    Also have to add, every time I see this post or see you guys in game...

    That's what I think of, which is just an amazing seasoning.
    Member of Over Raided, Orien: Aikou 20 monk, Azlynn 20 Evoker FvS (Clr past life), Aishiru 16/2/2 Brd/Ftr/Rogue, Alcine 20 Barb, New Wizard Ayota, Godhand if/when my.ddo ever decides to update again Aternity

  7. #7
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yodino View Post
    ROFL, here you go Vel.

    Pork / Chicken Adobo Recipe

    Estimated cooking time: 50 minutes. Adobo is the most popular Filipino dish enjoyed by all classes. Adobo is typically served with steamed white rice.

    Adobo Ingredients:

    * 1/2 kilo pork cut in cubes + 1/2 kilo chicken, cut into pieces or
    * choice of either 1 kilo of pork or 1 kilo of chicken
    * 1 head garlic, minced
    * 1/2 yellow onion, diced
    * 1/2 cup soy sauce
    * 1 cup vinegar
    * 2 cups of water
    * 1 teaspoon paprika
    * 5 laurel leaves (bay leaves)
    * 4 tablespoons of cooking oil or olive oil
    * 2 tablespoons cornstarch
    * Salt and pepper to taste
    * 3 tablespoons water

    Adobo Cooking Instructions:

    * In a big sauce pan or wok, heat 2 tablespoons of oil then sauté the minced garlic and onions.
    * Add the pork and chicken to the pan. Add 2 cups of water, 1/4 cup of soy sauce, vinegar, paprika and the bay leaves. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes or when meat is tender.
    * Remove the pork and chicken from the sauce pan and on another pan, heat cooking oil and brown the pork and chicken for a few minutes.
    * Mix the browned pork and chicken back to the sauce and add cornstarch dissolved in water to thicken.
    * Add salt and/or pepper if desired
    * Bring to a boil then simmer for an additional 5 minutes.
    * Serve hot with the adobo gravy and rice.

    Adobo Cooking Tips:

    * You have the option to add crushed ginger to the onions and garlic when sautéing. Ginger adds a unique flavor to your pork/chicken adobo.
    TYVM I must try it
    (+1 rep )
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  8. #8
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    TYVM I must try it
    (+1 rep )
    MMMMmmmmmm Chicken Adobo...

    It's how my wife won me Over!
    Official Muskateers Bartender
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    "It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)

  9. #9
    Community Member yodino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aikou View Post
    Gotta say, that recipe does sound really tasty, I may have to make some this week.

    Also have to add, every time I see this post or see you guys in game...

    That's what I think of, which is just an amazing seasoning.
    Thanks for dropping by Aikou. Lemme know how it goes with the Adobo your cooking up!

    Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
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  10. #10
    Community Member Legohaiden's Avatar
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    Gotta be honost here... that looks like something i wouldnt feed my dog.

    but... it might have some crazy good flavor... i have no idea... never tried it.
    Do or Do not..... there is no Try. -Yoda
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  11. #11
    Community Member yodino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legohaiden View Post
    Gotta be honost here... that looks like something i wouldnt feed my dog.

    but... it might have some crazy good flavor... i have no idea... never tried it.
    Don't knock it till you've tried it. It's really good, believe me!

    Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
    Visit our website at:

  12. #12
    Community Member Legohaiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yodino View Post
    Don't knock it till you've tried it. It's really good, believe me!


    (Looking for Adobo)
    Do or Do not..... there is no Try. -Yoda
    'DDO, or DDOn't. There is no WoW' -Dunklezhan

  13. #13
    Community Member unscythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legohaiden View Post
    Gotta be honost here... that looks like something i wouldnt feed my dog.

    but... it might have some crazy good flavor... i have no idea... never tried it.
    I think it might be because your not familiar with seeing pork cut up that way.

    Looks goods.

  14. #14
    Community Member Legohaiden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unscythe View Post
    I think it might be because your not familiar with seeing pork cut up that way.

    Looks goods.
    to be honost i dont really eat pork.
    last time i had pork was about..... 7 years ago. I thought it was a chicken dish... looks like chicken drumsticks... am i looking at the same picture as you all
    Do or Do not..... there is no Try. -Yoda
    'DDO, or DDOn't. There is no WoW' -Dunklezhan

  15. #15
    Community Member unscythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legohaiden View Post
    to be honost i dont really eat pork.
    last time i had pork was about..... 7 years ago. I thought it was a chicken dish... looks like chicken drumsticks... am i looking at the same picture as you all
    It is chicken and pork, you see the drumstick on the left side, and the middle and right side are pork, cut into cubish shapes. Yes we are speaking of the same dish.

  16. #16
    Community Member Tapsimanxer's Avatar
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    how i wish you guys were in argo

  17. #17
    Community Member unscythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tapsimanxer View Post
    how i wish you guys were in argo
    The guild or the random posters debating over the picture.

  18. #18
    Community Member yodino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unscythe View Post
    The guild or the random posters debating over the picture.
    I'm guessing both?

    A little banter over food never really hurt anyone. Really.

    Far East Movement - An Asian Guild on the Orien Server
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  19. #19
    Community Member Tapsimanxer's Avatar
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    i cook adobo almost everyday (i can make in 30 minutes). it's my staple diet. so that pic doesn't whet my appetite much. i'd rather have some roast pig.

    anyway, i was talking about the players im also in gmt+8

  20. #20
    Community Member Isharah's Avatar
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    Okay, I made a forum account just to say that I <3 you guys.

    And if ever you're bored in DDO, drop by Orien and /joinchannel pinoy.

    See you!

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