Guild website now up at, please check it out.
ISU is a new guild located on the ghallanda server. We are an active guild full of all levels 1-20 and we are looking for any members. We understand that not everyone is "L33t" and thats ok. We are very laid back we like everyone noobs and experianced players. We are a very laid back guild who has lots of fun
.espite our laid back mentality we would like to be running guild raids soon and other high level content
. For the more experianced guildies:.
This being said though, there is a differance between annoying and noob.
If there are complaints about you by several people then you will be removed from the guild.
We do care for our members and will try to help them whenever we can although begging will not be tolerated.
An example is "can some1 help me farm for gear" that is appropriate
"NEED FREE MONEY PL0X CUZ IM A NOOB" is what we dont want and will not have in the guild
If your are interested in joining us please leave a reply here and we will get to you soon.
I will be on vacation untill the 21st although as soon as I am back I will mail a guild invite to everyone who posted a reply.
Your reply form should look like this
Please invite my characters, character name
pretty simple
If you would like to have a invite soon vitalous,cloudomega, and cloudultima are all officers who are on alot.
To check your mail for a guild invite after the 21st which is when i get back
Go to the harbor (talk to the people on the dock of East Korthos Island) and then press "m"
A map should come up. On the far north side of the map you should notice a like script symbol please make your way there and click the floating mailbox to get your mail
Click the invite twice and detach the guild sigil
Close down the window and press I to open up your inventory
The sigil should be in there somewhere so just double click it and accept the invite.
Thank you for your time!