Last edited by BIGPLAYADICK; 05-24-2014 at 12:15 PM. Reason: Answered
I'm not technical assistance, but I can tell you if you want to move a 28pt build -> 32pt you need to undergo a Greater Resurrection.
Lesser = reroll your toon (28pt -> 28pt, 32pt -> 32pt)
Greater = Reroll your toon and upgrade from 28pt->32pt
True = Start at level 1 with 34pt (36pt 2nd TR) builds and have a steeper XP requirement to level
The +x on the front of either the Lesser or Greater let you swap that many levels, too. So a +1 Greater will let you take your 28pt 14/1 Fighter/Sorc and make him 32pt and get rid of that silly sorc level.
Note: a +3 lesser/greater will not allow you to change, say, a 12 Fighter/6 Paladin/2 Rogue into a 12 Fighter/6 Paladin/2 Monk for example. You'd have to LR twice, changing hte rogue levels to either paladin or fighter first, then into monk.