I have put together a Full set for a RED DRAGON ARMOR, That is = 25 white dragon scales. 20 red flawless dragon scales. All you will need is 20 epic tokens and 1 shard of the red dragon. and you got yourself a armor
iam not looking to seperate the white and the red dragon scales, nor looking to trade a few scales of each. i want to trade all at one time.
What iam looking for is,
Torc scroll
Envenomed cloak scroll
large ingridents, (scales ,stones have priority ofc.)
base vale ing (funk,pebbels,fungus,twigs)(sweetners)
other stuff/ Other scrolls maybe? (sweetners)
iam in no rush what so ever to trade this kit. TBH. nothing iam looking desperately for ATM. But iam easy if i have Red dragon scales or the other stuff in my bank waiting there for when stuff comes up i do needBut other could maybe use the Dragon armor now, so why not sell it.
I will have my rights to refuse any offer, there is no time limit on the trade. When i see a offer i like ill grap it and will let people know.
Cheers all. Deltabravo