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  1. #1
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    Default Newbie Question -[ How to find weapon/armor upgrades]

    Hi all just wondering are there any good quests which i can repeatedly solo in hope to find some nice weapons/armor?

    I am currently level 7 = )

    Thanks in advance all.

  2. #2
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    Yes, there are some places like that, but information would be needed to guide you.

    1. What kind of character do you have?
    2. What are your weapons now?
    3. What Adventure Packs can you enter?

  3. #3
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    Thank you for Angelus!

    I am a Rogue/Ranger 1/6
    Current weapons are just +2 weapons
    I am a VIP account hence I believe I have access to all adventure packs

  4. #4
    Community Member PresentTense's Avatar
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    Durk's Got a Secret has a chance to drop Muckbanes, clubs that cannot be corroded away by oozes or rust monsters. They also deal extra damage to oozes.

    Kobold's New Ringleader is a quest often repeated many times, as it is great XP per minute. It will also allow you to build up a cash reserve to buy some armor and weapons on the auction house.

    The Chronoscope raid, which requires the Devil's Assault pack, has some excellent weapons and gear.

    The best low-level and mid-level weapon, the Carnifex, can be obtained as an end reward from the Delera's chain. This requires access to the Delera's Tomb pack.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by PresentTense View Post
    Durk's Got a Secret has a chance to drop Muckbanes, clubs that cannot be corroded away by oozes or rust monsters. They also deal extra damage to oozes.

    Kobold's New Ringleader is a quest often repeated many times, as it is great XP per minute. It will also allow you to build up a cash reserve to buy some armor and weapons on the auction house.

    The Chronoscope raid, which requires the Devil's Assault pack, has some excellent weapons and gear.

    The best low-level and mid-level weapon, the Carnifex, can be obtained as an end reward from the Delera's chain. This requires access to the Delera's Tomb pack.
    Thanks for the advice! Yeah it makes good sense to farm cash too = )
    I tried Devil's Assault solo when i was level 4 or 5, failed at the fourth wave boss. I should try that again now!

    On the topic of Raid.. how is the pug scene in this server?

    PS> I chose the Master of the Voice instead of Carnifex though

  6. #6
    Community Member PresentTense's Avatar
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    As far as the pug scene goes, I would have to guess it's roughly the same on all the servers. I can only offer general tips, as I'm on Thelanis, but there are some basic rules. Things in an LFM such as "need heals" or "guide please" are generally examples of less experienced players, while "BYOH" (bring your own heals) and "zerg" will be more experienced players who have done the quest many times and likely plan to complete it as fast as possible. As a newer player, you'll find advantages to both types of group, but know what you're getting into. Don't ask a "fast run" group to share the quest with you as soon as you join, but don't expect a "need opener" group to be as skilled.

    Generally, you will find that most experienced players are willing to teach newer players that want to learn. If you've never done a particular quest before, it's OK to send a /tell to the group leader to let them know. They'll likely provide some more detailed instructions about what you need to be doing. Rarely, a loser may kick you from the group instead, but that's unlikely to happen, and even if it does, it's probably not a person you would have wanted to run with anyway. Once you have a cash reserve built up, invest in some cure pots/wands and some basic status pots, such as remove blindness/curse/disease. If you can administer some first aid to yourself when a healer is not in the party, overwhelmed, otherwise occupied, or out of sp, it will go a long way toward establishing a good reputation.

    The Voice is the one item any character can use and was still a good selection, although it is a guaranteed drop, while the Carnifex is not. Even if you're a two-weapon fighter, and I'm guessing you are, the Carnifex will probably do more damage until you get the improved critical feat, which for a rogue/ranger is probably around level 12.

  7. #7
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    Thanks again =) will do that. But I guess I have to find a keen Great axe on AH then.

  8. #8
    Community Member PresentTense's Avatar
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    The Carnifex is actually double-keen, although the only way to tell is to look at the damage profile in the item description. That's why it's so sought after - critting on 17-20 with a x3 multiplier is pretty powerful, and you won't be able to match it until you effectively make all your weapons keen with improved critical (which doesn't stack with the keen quality on weapons).

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by PresentTense View Post
    The Carnifex is actually double-keen, although the only way to tell is to look at the damage profile in the item description. That's why it's so sought after - critting on 17-20 with a x3 multiplier is pretty powerful, and you won't be able to match it until you effectively make all your weapons keen with improved critical (which doesn't stack with the keen quality on weapons).
    (Eyes Widened!) >< So the only way is to make a new character and run that place again? haha

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MariRove View Post
    (Eyes Widened!) >< So the only way is to make a new character and run that place again? haha
    No, you can repeat the chain on the same character. AFAIK you have the same chance at the named end rewards too.

  11. #11
    Community Member P3tunion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MariRove View Post
    (Eyes Widened!) >< So the only way is to make a new character and run that place again? haha
    To bad you didn't get the axe since the Voice of the master is a static end reward (Always there) whilst the carnifex is very rare. I have a guildie who got his first Carnifex ever since he started playing on Cannith; When the server opened.

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  12. #12
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    Am I correct in my recollection that you can get low level pure good weapons from the sharn syndicate end rewards? It's been forever since I ran those quests, but I seem to recall there were some nice ones.

    At low levels if THF yes, Carnifex from Deleras is king. There isn't really any equivalent for TWF though. I would just start saving money and look for randomly generated weapons with a lot of effects on them in the AH. Keen of pure good is very nice, especially if you are a khopesh user. Holy of pure good, flaming of pure good, etc will add a lot of numbers to your damage, it's fun to see
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  13. #13
    Founder Dex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MariRove View Post
    Thanks for the advice! Yeah it makes good sense to farm cash too = )
    I tried Devil's Assault solo when i was level 4 or 5, failed at the fourth wave boss. I should try that again now!

    On the topic of Raid.. how is the pug scene in this server?

    PS> I chose the Master of the Voice instead of Carnifex though
    Voice of the Master is always a good choice for the first run.

    To your original point about things you can solo, here are some (if you are up to the challenge):
    Sharn Syndicate, some of these in the chain give quite nice end rewards, and if nothing else the "nicked" weps should be a nice upgrade above plain +2.
    Red Willow - should be nice for a ranger, lots of kiting room.
    STK and Catacombs.

    Good luck!
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  14. #14
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    Thanks all for the reply.

    I am only confused about repeating Chain quests and trying to hunt for certain reward.

    I have completed Delera's Tomb part 4 and gotten the Voice.
    I tried Delara's Tomb again last night, but after completing part 2, I received a reward list from the NPC.

    So does it means that there's a chance that Carnifex will be in that list?

    I restart the chain from p1 to p4, Delera's ghost no longer gives me any more reward.

  15. #15
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MariRove View Post
    Thanks all for the reply.

    I am only confused about repeating Chain quests and trying to hunt for certain reward.

    I have completed Delera's Tomb part 4 and gotten the Voice.
    I tried Delara's Tomb again last night, but after completing part 2, I received a reward list from the NPC.

    So does it means that there's a chance that Carnifex will be in that list?

    I restart the chain from p1 to p4, Delera's ghost no longer gives me any more reward.
    Do you mean part 3? You get a reward from Derek after completing part 3, which is just vendor trash. You get the full chain reward from Delera after completing part 4.
    ~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
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  16. #16
    Founder Dex's Avatar
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    What he said, complete part four for the named loot.
    Carnifex however might not be such a great wep for a ran/rog. Not sure if you are archer or twf spec'd, but still, there is much useful loot there. If you are ranged spec, I would highly suggest you get a 10k ish plat together and look for a Silver Longbow (ml 6)on the AH or sometimes you can even catch it on the house D pawn shop. You can farm one also, but the quest it drops in isn't exactly solo able at your level. That is one of the best bows until you start making greensteel. If you are twf spec'd the nicked shortswords (ML 2) from Sharn Syndicate are pretty handy. If you can beg your way into a high level group doing subterrain runs, sunblades (ml6) just can't be beat.

    Seriously keep your eye out for people doing raid groups for subterrain runs, and beg beg beg your way in. Yes you need to be 14 to open the lid yourself, but if you are in a raid group and someone else is already in, you can get in. The sunblades look like bastard swords, but are wielded as shortswords, and are especially good against undead.
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