Just wondering what people think about some ability to enhance your arrows and bolts, just as today's archer can spend more money if they wish to help their chances doing damage.
Now, I know we have both normal->+5 bows/crossbows and normal->+5 arrows/bolts, and those are D&D things. But is that enough? I'm suggesting something like this, whether only available from house D favor, or some jungle tribe, or whatever:
Option 1: Let us convert the projectile's head to barbed (or even occasionally find projectiles like that) -> increase the crit damage chance by 5% and multiplier by 0.5. It could cost 100pp per arrow, if you wanted to spend it.
Option 2: Keen arrows. Double crit range, non-stackable with other keen effects/IC feat.
Additional option: Heighened keen arrows. Enchanted heads that add another +1 to the crit range above all keen/IC calculation.
I'd pay decent extra pp to ensure I have a stack of those bolts or arrows over the silver/hundred stacks currently available. It might even turn into a bit of a PP sink for those who use ranged combat regularly.
Thoughts? Worth the effort?
Just thinkin'...