Hey all,

New to game Looking for Mature Adult guild I am VIP signed up for 6 month sub, have played dnd since pen paper games and muds, even Commdore 64 games offical dnd etc, uo beta, eq 1 betas. eq 2 betas, daoc beta, aoc beta, wow betas, lotr betas,vanguard beta etc

LOTR lifetime sub play off and on

have station access from sony so now then play eq 1 and eq 2 and vanguard with station access can play any of them 1 on moon star wars galaxies and planetside etc as their are included in price.

I will be playing rift at headstart.

Im looking for mature, active adult guild that wants to group and have fun, and likes challenges , I after learn game im sure some will wanna run on harder modes, also long term would be instrested in crafting and raids, so im looking for guild that has good size and solid leadership that does raid, and do max level stuff, even with me being newbie and level 1 but also likes to run all level dungeons and content and does not mind helping and answering questions from new player, about all things ddo.

thanks for your time