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  1. #1

    Cool Healer's Guide pt II on DDM's Realm

    Just released pt II of the series of guides on filling the healer role in a group on


    Let me know if you have any feedback. I know it can be a touchy subject but it is an important one.
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  2. #2
    Founder Perceval's Avatar
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    Well you right this is a touchy subject. And while I agree with most of what you are saying, I think this sets the expectations of the party to the cleric or favored soul being strictly healer classes.

    I think a good follow up would be "When to let someone die" A good healer try to keep everyone alive and fails with a bad party, a great healer knows when the sacrafice of one is for the greater good of the party.

    Rule 1: "Cast heal and miss someone ONCE and only ONCE" The second time I miss, that person drops to the bottom of the healing priority list. Healing spells cost mana whether they hit there target or not. If you are constantly putting yourself around corners or out of range, then perhaps the little soul stone icon on your screen will remind you that it is a team game.

    Rule 2: "Where the star goes, so goes the healer". If the leader of the group is Zerging then it is the healers (and everyone elses) job to keep up if they can. Though Rule 1 still applies, if the Leader is the one running around corners, tough cookies for the leader. If the leader takes it at a normal pace and some one runs ahead...sorry you loose.

    Rule 3: "Never take it personally". When the party starts screaming, relax. It is never your fault. There is practically nothing in the game that can not be cured by a pot. Should they scream and yell, simply ask them if they are carrying pots. Curses and Healing Pots for emergencies are not just a recommendation, they are a necessity of any good character. Just because someone is to cheap to buy pots does not make you thier personal hireling.

    and finally

    Rule 4: "There is a cure serious stupidity spell - Raise Dead". I recommend that a cleric carry both Resurrection and raise dead. If some one is truely doing thier best and happens to die inspite of your best effort to keep them alive, cast resurrection on them. If they are being a liability to the party, cast raise dead. Nothing says examine your actions quite so clearly as "raise dead" with no followup healing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phesic View Post
    I think a good term is "Nuber": A Newb who thinks he's uber.

  3. #3
    Kragra for President
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default I Couldn't Agree More!!!

    My first and main toon (I have 22 toons) is a Cleric (now 17th lvl) and sure I feel bad sometimes if the character dies but not too often. I'm a halfling with full Dragonmarks, maximize, empower healing, and 1200 spell points. I can put down a TON of healing so when I use one of my dragonmarks on a character and I get "Character X is blocked by/????" I stop trying to cast on that toon until it stops moving, either dead or waiting for me. Does that make me a bad healer, no. That makes the toon a selfish player.

    I ALWAYS stick to the leader of the group. They have the star and deserve a little extra attention.

    I'll have to start taking res also. That makes sense.

    I also don't take it personally. I learn from the experience and move on.

    Thank you all. This is a very good thread.

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