Forgive me for pasting a non-DDO topic in these forums, but I just ran across this and thought it was a good idea.
Please take a look at this video and consider signing his petition... It can only benefit everyone. The video shows how he currently plays using his face!
Personally, I'd push for standardized hardware (USB) connections so that people could choose their favorite contollers or build their own custom layouts, but that's just me.
Link and description pasted from ""
Gamer Hero Of The Day: Chuck Bittner is a quadriplegic stand-up comedian, or as he puts it, “the can’t stand up comedian.” Chuck is hilarious, but make no mistake, he’s also a serious gamer. He plays mad crazy awesome using his face, as you’ll see in the above video. But, he can’t play every game and he wants to change that.
He’s started a petition to make custom button remapping a standard option on all games so they’re accessible to the handicapped and give all gamers the freedom to choose their button configuration. In March, Chuck is personally going to PAX East to talk to developers and present the signatures he’s collected.
You can do your part by signing the petition here.
Chuck Bittner, for fighting the good fight, we salute you!