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  1. #1
    Community Member Rog's Avatar
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    Cool epic only mod please

    can we get a quest chain thats only epic not remade into epic to give old school capped players a place to go where we can test are skills. and for the raid end reward
    1. new races that can be unlocked
    2. new classes that can be unlocked ie not sold in the store
    we have uber loot we have plat
    in my humble opion this would allow old school gamers somthing to stride for and hours of game time raiding and bringing up new classes and races
    can we say druids or exotic races
    i cant play right now due to training but when i get back online i would love to see this happen

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rog View Post
    can we get a quest chain thats only epic not remade into epic to give old school capped players a place to go where we can test are skills. and for the raid end reward
    1. new races that can be unlocked
    2. new classes that can be unlocked ie not sold in the store
    we have uber loot we have plat
    in my humble opion this would allow old school gamers somthing to stride for and hours of game time raiding and bringing up new classes and races
    can we say druids or exotic races
    i cant play right now due to training but when i get back online i would love to see this happen
    No thank you , I would have no problem with Epic only quests but your reward suggestion is terrible

  3. #3
    Community Member grodon9999's Avatar
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    Somebody didn't get the memo . . .

  4. #4
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    /not signed if epic stays what it currently is. Also any 'unlock' would have to be suitably 'epic only' (basically a +20 level adjustment)

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    *Handwraps. Yes we know. Here is my known issue for handwraps. Hand wraps in assorted flavors are borked.

  5. #5
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    Do people not understand that the "Epic" is for "the best if the best" line is not true.

    "Epic" is for the "like to whack on things for several minutes at a time to mind-numbingly grind out equipment that is slightly better then the equipment you spent months grinding out previously".

    Until Turbine does a revamp, the majority of folks don't do "Epic". As such, the development of "Epic" has been put on the back burner, since it doesn't make money.
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  6. #6
    Community Member Rog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geonis View Post
    Do people not understand that the "Epic" is for "the best if the best" line is not true.

    "Epic" is for the "like to whack on things for several minutes at a time to mind-numbingly grind out equipment that is slightly better then the equipment you spent months grinding out previously".

    Until Turbine does a revamp, the majority of folks don't do "Epic". As such, the development of "Epic" has been put on the back burner, since it doesn't make money.
    i cant say i ever had a problem with epic quest or raids i did feel a little under powered so i decided to double tr. before going back to epic. i enjoy the quest and i am sure the minor issues i had at 32 wont be there at 36. cant wait to cap since i cant play the waiting bites. the majority of the players should not be running epic anyways its not how fast you can get to 20 its more about equipment build player skills> high player skill will make up for lack of equipment to a point. but for poeple that run epic have the skills equiment and the builds i think it would be a great thing to raid for. not pushing the common players out there should aways be new races for everyone but we should should also be rewarded for the hard core GRIND which if done proper takes years.

  7. #7
    Community Member Geonis's Avatar
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    It is not that "Epic" is hard, it's that it is boring.
    Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.

  8. #8
    Community Member Rog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geonis View Post
    It is not that "Epic" is hard, it's that it is boring.
    its boring true you know when the quest new is cool remade is old and boring have any idea how boring it got when the cap was 10 and the only thing to do was grind gaint caves, co6 elite, thernal loot runs or spine runs. yes its gets boring a epic only mod with a entire new area to explore and mybe even a new city ie saving a city thats not in stormreach from the evil then later it would give us a place to fly are airships after a certian number raids the city becomes a safe hold with new races class and a wide open area to explore.
    just a thought

  9. #9
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    A small percentage of players even play epic, so from a business standpoint it isnt realistic for Turbine to develope epic only content. When Chronoscope came out it was just as new to people who play lower level toons as it was to people who play well geared epic toons. There is no reason for them money wise to develope content exclusive to a small percentage of players.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  10. #10
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rog View Post
    a place to go where we can test are skills. and for the raid end reward
    Why is it that people who need a challenge to feel good about themselves also feel the need to be rewarded?

    If you really want a challenge that is only for "the best of the best", you're much better off asking that there be no reward for it. That way, people like me who get their kicks out of improving their characters don't feel cheated out of uber loot and won't b*tch to Turbine for an easy mode.

    If the challenge had no reward other than bragging rights, people like me would stay the hell away from it, and it wouldn't get nerfed down the road.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  11. #11
    Community Member Rog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    Why is it that people who need a challenge to feel good about themselves also feel the need to be rewarded?

    If you really want a challenge that is only for "the best of the best", you're much better off asking that there be no reward for it. That way, people like me who get their kicks out of improving their characters don't feel cheated out of uber loot and won't b*tch to Turbine for an easy mode.

    If the challenge had no reward other than bragging rights, people like me would stay the hell away from it, and it wouldn't get nerfed down the road.
    in truth i dont really care just looking for a way to get new races and classes into the game and figued what the hell might as well try this but its seems the player base is not for it as for no players playing epic just checked the market place in khyber and all that seems to be in hi demand is scrolls why when nobody plays it is every looking for them.

  12. #12
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rog View Post
    in truth i dont really care just looking for a way to get new races and classes into the game and figued what the hell might as well try this but its seems the player base is not for it as for no players playing epic just checked the market place in khyber and all that seems to be in hi demand is scrolls why when nobody plays it is every looking for them.
    Races (like half-elf and half-orc) just came out, and classes (like monk and FvS) have been released too. There's rumor about druid coming some day, but I don't think the hold up is because Turbine can't figure out a mechanism to introduce them into the game.

    Re: Hi demand for scrolls - I'd guess it to be simple Supply & Demand. The limited Demand for the scrolls pales next to the even more limited Supply.

    Just because 1% of the population is anxiously searching for the last piece they need to craft their Epic item doesn't mean that the system is a success.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  13. #13
    Community Member AubreyPhoenix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rog View Post
    can we get a quest chain thats only epic not remade into epic to give old school capped players a place to go where we can test are skills. and for the raid end reward
    1. new races that can be unlocked
    2. new classes that can be unlocked ie not sold in the store
    we have uber loot we have plat
    in my humble opion this would allow old school gamers somthing to stride for and hours of game time raiding and bringing up new classes and races
    can we say druids or exotic races
    i cant play right now due to training but when i get back online i would love to see this happen
    I disagree with the idea completely. Why not develop more content that will appeal to more people? I've been playing casually for over a year, and have never capped a toon, and quite frankly the elitists are a turn-off. We don't want things getting as out of control as they did in Final Fantasy XI where the grind was incredibly intense, and my guild literally spent 19 hours taking down Absolute Virtue. One of us even fainted, and I threw up once. We do not want this coming to DDO, not at all. That experience and finding out that the FFXI devs decided to introduce a new raid boss that took even LONGER than Absolute Virtue caused me and the rest of my guild to take a 2 year break from MMORPGs, and I personally stopped playing all computer games for 6 months. I like this game well enough to subscribe, and have for over a year. I'm not opposed to epic content, and I think that people who put more time and effort into playing and designing good builds should be rewarded with new challenges and the loot that goes with it, but I think with epic-onlys you run the risk of having the challenge of the quest being as much about real life physical endurance as it is about play skill, build, tactics, teamwork and gear.

    The way I see the state of the game, there is a level 6 raid, which is great for getting newbies ready for the concept, and I think they will be better prepared by the time they hit VoN, TS, Titan, DQ and beyond, and we have plenty of content at lower levels as well. Three Barrel Cove is fun, but the loot needs to be buffed slightly, because it is totally outshined by Delera's. In XP, Delera's and Necro are better options, even. The only reason to play it is fun factor and Free Agents favor. What we need is content for mid to late levels (12+), and the stuff in Lordsmarch is a wonderful start for that. Maybe add some named items with Lordsmarch/Mabar festival-style crafting to 3BC to make it more attractive? How about adding House Lyrandar, House Medani, and House Tharask as factions to get favor for, and add in quests for them in this level range, since we have half-elves and half-orcs now? Granted, Medani has not really been introduced at all into the game, but Lyrandar and Tharask have been. I would like to see that, and maybe add in gnomes and House Sivis?

    Druid should not be a reward that it takes epic to achieve. We already have a class that is a serious grind to get hold of (Favored Souls), with the option of buying if you don't want to grind out all that favor, and keep your favor toon active and not TR. Speaking of TRs, I like this as an option for people who have capped, because it means that people who have played for a very long time have a reason to go back and play the lower level quests, and Turbine can develop content for everyone, not just the elite few. I'd like to see some good interesting stuff in the 14+ range now that we have Lordsmarch, but epic-only grind has the potential problem I listed above, as well as catering to a very narrow player base.

    Peace, love, and (half) elves,
    Alfdis (pal20 h-elf THF KotC), Arnalda (clr19/ftr1 human THF battle cleric), Alfrun (wiz15 elf PM), Alfgunnr (brd3/ftr2/barb2 human THF warchanter), Phrygia (brd14/ftr2 elf TWF warchanter), Alfleif (h-elf ftr/pal/mnk WSS), Alfdrifa (AA/TWF Kensai in training). Proud member of Tactical Legion on Thelanis.

  14. #14
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rog View Post
    in truth i dont really care just looking for a way to get new races and classes into the game and figued what the hell might as well try this but its seems the player base is not for it as for no players playing epic just checked the market place in khyber and all that seems to be in hi demand is scrolls why when nobody plays it is every looking for them.
    I think Turbine already has a way to get new races and classes into the game... The same way they introduced Drow, Monks, Favored Souls, Half Elves and Half Orcs.

    Introducing new races and classes that you can only get by running Epic quests (not that I have anything against Epics) is the quickest way to generate a lot of unrest among 97% of the playerbase.
    Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
    Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices

  15. #15
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bryanmeerkat View Post
    No thank you , I would have no problem with Epic only quests but your reward suggestion is terrible
    This is the problem ... almost no one likes epics as is ... making a quest pack that is only epic ... you might as well not charge anything cause no one is gonna buy it. They could offer the best rewards ever and still no one will do it except the elitist jerks. Same like 90% of the epic content now. The quests arent that hard .. but getting a party for them can take longer then a shroud to fill and shroud items are better then most epics.
    Hack n Slash Gaming - Streaming DDO and PS4 games on Twitch starting September 15th - join the revolution
    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

  16. #16
    Community Member Unreliable's Avatar
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    no thanks.

    Additionaly, if turbine would release new adventure packs, they would never release only epic. Most people who buy the packs buy it to run it normal-elite, remember this is now a f2p game, the ''epic'' playerbase is very small compared to the lower level playerbase. They only throw in epic to keep the ''epic'' players content, but remember they are catering to the lower levels, which is most of the playerbase.

  17. #17
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unreliable View Post
    no thanks.

    Additionaly, if turbine would release new adventure packs, they would never release only epic. Most people who buy the packs buy it to run it normal-elite, remember this is now a f2p game, the ''epic'' playerbase is very small compared to the lower level playerbase. They only throw in epic to keep the ''epic'' players content, but remember they are catering to the lower levels, which is most of the playerbase.
    Your not entirely right here. The game has been free to play for a year now .. .many people have 3-4 capped characters some even mutliple trs not everyone is playing this game at lower levels only.

    BUT your right about the normal to elite... most are doing it for favor to earn more points or for favor rewards to prevent needing to buy things like favored soul or 32 point builds. Most people are only doing epics so they dont have to pay for hearts of wood for TRing and mainly elitists and large guilds are the only ones doing epic raids. Very few pugs for anything other then DQ at least on sarlona. Only time you see a epic von6 or chronoscope is when the LFM says dont click if i dont know you or some other elitist jerk message.
    Hack n Slash Gaming - Streaming DDO and PS4 games on Twitch starting September 15th - join the revolution
    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

  18. #18
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    Epic content=too cheap to come up with new content.

  19. #19
    Community Member Dendrix's Avatar
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    Dreadful suggestion

  20. #20
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by enntense View Post
    Epic content=too cheap to come up with new content.
    Thats total BS ... the last two epic packs have had full mission sets all new content including epic difficulty ... if your gonna troll at least be informed about it.

    They have never had an update that was JUST rehash epic. You guys act like there has been even 1 update where epic was all that was added. That is so BS. If your gonna blast turbine at least be factual about it. You dont like epic ... that is cool i dont either... but if you want top end gear guess what ... your gonna do em and its better to do them as is in a quest you can learn and play before going epic then other wise.

    If they made a Epic only quest no one would play it because of the difficulty and amount of noobness in pugs. its why Chronoscope is only run on epics by elitists and snob guilds. Cause they cake walk it so frequently on normal hard elite and when its time for epic parties wipe or they use cheap tact like invis and run.

    What you guys are crying about is that epics arent fun .... why not .. they are not fun cause they are old content ? that is BS cause you still play that same old content everytime you TR so shut up its obviously not old enough to stop you from playing it. No the reason they are not fun is cause half the population of any given server is filled with lvl 20s who cant play the game cause the challenge rating of this game is WoW ******** now. Vets who have been playing for a long time remember when elite was as hard as epic is now. You babies playing this game for the last year think you know something then step into epic with the same stupid elitist attitude and wipe the party then blame the healers and casters for you being an idiot.

    They want to make epics more fun dumb em down further make more of them and give people more options take the grind out a bit by increasing the drop rates of seals shards and scrolls so it doesnt seem futile. Once you start getting epic gear you wont be talking with your mouth full of brown stuff about how rehashing content is bad.

    Cause sorry to say it this game doesnt have enough content at end game to hold its player base as is... rehashing content means more content longer especially since 90% of that content is SKIPPED THE FIRST TIME THROUGH ANYWAY. Desert is often skipped even on TRs, Vons are often skipped even on TRs, so what epics are you talking about rehashing old content .. cause all the other epics where epic when they first came out thus not old content.
    Hack n Slash Gaming - Streaming DDO and PS4 games on Twitch starting September 15th - join the revolution
    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

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