So with the new event coming I was wondering what 'age' our transferred EU toons would have, as initial event items appear to be based on the character age. Some of mine have been around since day 1 - though not on Ghallanda...
So with the new event coming I was wondering what 'age' our transferred EU toons would have, as initial event items appear to be based on the character age. Some of mine have been around since day 1 - though not on Ghallanda...
Ghallanda (Ex-Keeper, Ex-Boldrei, Ex-Beta). Mad-1 Leo (Rog), Oaksfist (Rgr/Rog), Booted (Brd), Dawnsinger (Ftr), Preying-1 (Fvs), Gibbery (Rog/Rgr), Sloped (Pal), Bugged (Wiz)