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  1. #1

    Default DDO Cocktail Hour Ep 43, Happy Hour!

    DDO Cocktail Hour, Episode 43, Happy Hour!

    Happy Birthday DDO Cocktail Hour!
    That’s right! We have made it to one year of inglorious podcasting! Loads of other podcasters check in to serve warrants and otherwise berate us this week, as well as a special surprise from the infamous Morah and a special poem from Skaggy the Poet! The team talks a little bit about love until it makes Samius puke and change the subject! Listen to find out what happens when you give Cocktail Listeners free license to drunk-dial (to the tune of 3500 Turbine Points)! Thanks so much for listening!

    HERE is the link for the episode! Just left click and play or right click and “save as” to download!

    You can also listen from our home on cyberears HERE

    00:00:02 Intro: (When Fire Reavers Attack! W/ Special Guest Morah& Basthuul)
    00:02:09 Intro (Iron Deacon, Ninja call! #1)
    00:03:19 What are you drinking?
    00:03:04 Ninja Call #2 Rent To Pwn! (Jack Pot Shrouding!)
    00:06:37 What are you wearing?
    00:07:14 Skaggy’s B-day poem
    00:10:21 Twitter Question: Does your Significant Other play DDO?
    00:10:46 Ninja Call #3, Steiner Davion! (DDo CtH Suga-Daddy)
    00:13:01 Ninja Call #4, Wyldthing! (Just Another Fun Loving Supply Officer!)
    00:15:00 Ninja Call #5 Saxykitten68! (I love your Crunchy Bits Segment on DDo Cast!)
    00:17:11 Nija Call #6 Xiloscent! Pvp Bad!
    00:24:38 Twitter Q: Rules for an official CtH Drinking game

    The Rules for this week’s show (*you must be age 21 or over to play or drink a non-alcoholic beverage):

    1.) Every time Lessah says: “Hello!” or “You know what?” You take a drink!
    2.) Every time Samius makes an innuendo, you take a drink!
    3.) Every time a word has to be beeped, you take a drink! (If Lessah is beeped, you take 2 drinks!)
    4.) Every Segway... you take a drink! (if it’s a good Segway, you must drink twice!)
    5.) Every time someone calls in, you take a drink!
    6.) At the end of the show, you must empty your glass, even if you have just refilled it!)

    00:27:32 A Special Message From Teppotastic!
    00:28:25 A Voicemal from Kudesnik!
    00:29:03 Happy Birthday wishes From our parent show: “The DDo Cast
    00:30:10 Forums: A History And a Proposal by kittikatgurl
    00:36:43 Ninja Caller #7 BC Peterson (His cat plays Candyland!)
    00:39:23 Forums: My Wife/ Husband/ Partner Hates DDo by Ryan220
    00:42:03 Well Wishes from Flex Your Geek
    00:43:16 Well Wishes from KIASA Cast
    00:44:55 Email: Teapot dome: How was your double dutch rudder?
    00:46:12 Lessah accidentally hangs up on 2 people & Samius considers hiring Anne as new chief editor! (was too hilarious to leave out!)
    00:47:32 Ninja Call #8 Thad Williams! (can be Nekkid for you in 2 seconds!)
    00:50:04 Ninja Call #9 Kosimo! (Oh, a Black Russian IS your drink!)
    00:53:03 Bonus Forum: Hezeru Proctologist w/ Myopia by Hadrienn
    00:53:35 Email: How do I overcome being Despaired when facing mummies in the desert?
    00:57:34 True Reincarnation: Chronoscope/ Red Fens/ Blood Tide Pirates/ Droaam talk
    01:01:48 Reach us at
    01L03:17 Outro & Toast

    Coyle Says: "There's a fire reaver in the kitchen! Get ready to fight!"

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  2. #2
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Happy B Day Cocktail Hour!!!

    It is one of the highlights of my work day!
    I love to listen while I work and it is a Great addition
    To the DDO and Ddo Podcasting community!

    Glad to see you have made it a year...

    Look forward to you making it to Episode 100!
    Official Muskateers Bartender
    Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
    "It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Bekki View Post
    Look forward to you making it to Episode 100!
    Can my liver take it????

    Man I hope so.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Samiusbot View Post
    Can my liver take it????
    Focus on your de-liver-y. Zing!

    Great show you guys. I especially love the artwork and new banner and picture of Morah on the Texas/Wisconsin border. You guys (behind the) rock!

  5. #5
    DDOCast & Hero Theris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Thelanis: Anne|Annala|Torzion|Anastazie|Sprockettz|Theris

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