I'm reading the forums last night and I stumble across a thread in which the original poster insulted 40-year-olds. My first reaction was predictable, I suppose - my eyebrows shot skyward and I thought "Wow, probably not a good idea to insult the bulk of the player base." But then I stopped and thought about it...IS that the bulk of the players around here? I'm a thirtysomething who played the pen & paper DnD back in the 80s, and it sounds as though many forum posters are as well, but I occasionally read the general chat and "advice" channels in the Harbor, and it leads me to wonder.
I realise that there is not an efficient way for me to determine the general age range of the entire player base of DDO. Asking the question here on the forums merely gives me approximate information on the respondents to my thread...not even the majority of the forum-goers. I'm still incredibly curious however, so I'm gonna give it a go. Asking specifics about someone's age is generally considered rude, and asking specifics about someone's location is downright unsafe, so we'll work around the first and avoid the second. How about a decade age range and gender? I just thought it might be nice to get the smallest idea of who we're playing this game with.
I'll start with my household:
Player #1: Female, 30s.
Player #2: Female, 20s.
Et toi?