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  1. #1
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Do frost giants cast Fire Resistance?

    On my first vist to Aussircaex's Valley I saw purple damage numbers when hitting frost giants with fire (gee, big surprise?). My question is -- it seems a bit too obvious. Any giant with spellcasting capability ought to put on Fire Resistance as first thing. Do they?

    Also, when using a Cursespewing bow with Imbue Terror arrows, I noticed ginats were getting cursed after only a few hits, but did not get Feared even once (let alone hit with Phantasmal Killer). I thought Curse and Fear are both will saves? It makes sense for giants to have sky-high fort saves, but will?

    Unrelated question:

    Does Gatesmasher (orange-named rare clay golem in Devil's Battlefield) have anti-healing aura? When trying to heal or drink Remove Curse pots near him I got "Your healing fails due to quell's presence" message, but did not see any quells.
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  2. #2
    Hero nibel's Avatar
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    IIRC, the frost giants on Refuge have immunity to all mind-affecting spells, and deathblock.
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  3. #3
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Also as another tip from a newb to that area: I went in there for the first time the other day - they're pretty resistant to Stun as well. I haven't needed better than +6 stunners on my monk in any content up to that point, and mostly +4s have been fine, but those frost giants were only failing their save maybe 1 in 5 stuns with my +6s (DC 34ish in wind stance iirc).

    Time for upgrades I guess, whcih is a shame since I have at least 7 sets of stunning wraps to replace, and most of those are otherwise really nice. Going to be priiiiiicey!
    Last edited by dunklezhan; 02-10-2011 at 09:59 AM.
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  4. #4
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Makes sense, thank you. And ice spiders are no affected by fear either, being mindless vermin. I guess in Aussircaex's Valley I will stick to Imbue Flame Burst arrows. Or flaming arrows with Imbue Acid.

    Nobody answered my main question though Oh, and Gatsmasher DOES cast Healing Curse, but the DM message is bugged. I suspect devs took the code from quells and pasted it into Gatesmasher without changing the text.
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