On my first vist to Aussircaex's Valley I saw purple damage numbers when hitting frost giants with fire (gee, big surprise?). My question is -- it seems a bit too obvious. Any giant with spellcasting capability ought to put on Fire Resistance as first thing. Do they?
Also, when using a Cursespewing bow with Imbue Terror arrows, I noticed ginats were getting cursed after only a few hits, but did not get Feared even once (let alone hit with Phantasmal Killer). I thought Curse and Fear are both will saves? It makes sense for giants to have sky-high fort saves, but will?
Unrelated question:
Does Gatesmasher (orange-named rare clay golem in Devil's Battlefield) have anti-healing aura? When trying to heal or drink Remove Curse pots near him I got "Your healing fails due to quell's presence" message, but did not see any quells.