I want both epic GH and epic only new content.
Epic GH is a no brainer...here is a chance to turn Cloudburst into a kickarse weapon and and put the Madstone boots back ahead of the Boots of Corrosion.
Just don't make epic dragon armour require 25 non epic scales...
Time for some Epic Head!
I Love epic even if it's not as good as it could be.
I like new epic content but GH is the old area i'd really like to see on epic.
Please give it to us.
Exiled from the european server Devourer (Release -> aug09) to Ghallanda (aug09 -> today) Main toons: Boite - Trovilain - Vraiment - Ahagun - Lagrosse - Ongdamagde - Tronche - Fekh - Fekhdemotiil
Proud member of the Ghallandian guild Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh
My guess is that we will see epic GH roll out when the epic re-boot is done. Meaning, epic GH will be released at the same time as the re-boot. But since a re-boot will also be chaning all of the existing epic quests it is going to take a while.
I would love to think that it will be out in the next update, but I doubt it. And if I remember correctly, odd numer updates are more heavily slanted to new content and even number updates lean to bug fixes (I might have that backward though). If it is odd numbers updates for content, then look for new epics in U11, if even numbers is content, then *maybe* update 10, but I would put my money on 12.
“He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts - for support rather than illumination.” - Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
"I married your mother because I wanted children, imagine my disappointment when you came along." - Groucho Marx
Far too many different opinions on what epic is, and what it should be. Urg. Not even worth arguing over anymore with people's false assumptions concerning the difficulty, the time it takes to complete an item, the use of the gear, etc.
I totally disagree.
The epic Desert took four quests and a raid that almost noone ran anymore and made them a central part of endgame. Old strategies didn't work. Epic Desert at 20 feels quite different to, say, elite Desert at 12.
Likewise the VONs - a totally dead adventure pack (except for VON3 XP) now has three of the most popular quests in the game. VON6 has gone from a forgotten raid to become *the* entry-level level 20 raid.
The Tor appears already complete on Epic according to people that were able to run it in the one day it was up. (It may still have non-obvious bugs or incomplete loot, we will see). If the Epic dragon fights are even close to the excitement and challenge of running the Elite dragon fights at-level it will be the best fight in the game.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
From what I've heard (from a former EU player, one of the computer programmers that datamined game files), Epic Shroud was not nearly as well designed as Epic Tor. Tor was polished enough for a release, but Epic Shroud had stupidly overpowered loot for melees (think +6 Lit 2 khopeshes with increased crit ranges and silver DR bypass slotted into a red slot, it's like the best parts of a Min 2, a Lit 2 and an eSOS in one), nothing for casters at all, portals had triple HP and hit back, Lieutenants had the same HP as Epic Lailat, and Harry had Horoth's Disintegrate. There were probably other surprises too - they never got to play the raid to see if other things had changed; perhaps there might have been five or six Lieutenants active, for example.
The loot mechanics were the worst, however - a 2% (part 4) and 4% (part 5) chance to get an Epic Splintered Horn, which then reset a Tier 3 greensteel item into an epic GS blank. Power cells used for this had to be charged by sacrificing a completed epic item or tier 3 greensteel - just to charge a cell.
Tor and Shroud were the only other two quests with close to complete Epic versions.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
According to the compendium:
Depleted Shavarath Epic Energy Cell
Binds on Acquire
An empty vessel capable of storing a tremendous amount of energy. These empty cells can only be charged by sacrificing a greensteel or epic weapon to them in an Altar of Ultimate Devastation.
olganon.org - Remember to play in moderation.
Been there done that:
Turbine just thought that only I should be allowed to play it, after I beat it they were like eh,, Axer beat it, we really dont need it here anymore.
Oh yea, I did Madstone Epic too:
Yea I dunno. Turbine really doesn't care about high level players, else this would not have been shut down more then a year ago.
IIRC, the Dragons have about the HP of Normal Suulo, the Giants have half that and some nasty spells (heightened, maximized but not empowered, so as dangerous as the Abbot but less dangerous than Horoth). The melee attacks of the Dragons are brutal - more than double Elite damage (which is already much more than Normal).
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
How should DDO improve quality of play for its hardcore players. The majority of all end game quests are run by players that have longevity in the server. Each one of us have played all necessary and fun quests on multiple toons and difficulties. Making the old quests epic is great but not enough. To peak interest you should apply new regions (the twelve mention two we can't get two) that will challenge and even a outdoor pvp area that groups can play. You have it on LOTR and do well with it. D&D is so expansive with content that it should be hard. Not to find tuff to use. A majority of us have played P&P D&D and love it for its endless possibilities. Running circles in the Marketplace for 5 years is repetative and you start leaning to one side. I do not understand how we are stuck in a little area. With the same quests. Start getting worlds like forgotten realms. Involved. Or a granderscale of others we have. Make open regions to travel back and forth to. Keep teleport options there but massive world areas to travel as well. Those could also be the PVP areas for those who wish, randomn rares and quests as well. You have touched this in little ways though out the game. WOW (waash out my mouth) has such a huge world that to navigate it all would make you lose your wife and a good mouse to memorize it all.
End state....the only thing that is holding this game back is story line. If you want to be a longtime running game with a stream of income and new players work this angle. I appologize for any errors in my text. I am on my cell phone.
Then you and your friends must not play alot of epics ... cause while the story is the same the gameplay strategies and challenge are drastically different from there normal hard elite versions. With the exception of a few that are perched and exploited the quests are vastly different so long as you dont give a **** about the story.
And lets be honest ... no many give a damd about the story in this game.
As i said its not for everyone ... but that is because of difficulty more then anything. Most people hate epics not cause its old content .. cause old content is better then no content... its cause its hard to pug and many people once they have there items have no interest in doing the quests again. Once all the elitists got there gear you stop seeing the raids and missions go up cause it gets broken down to guild runs only or elitist snobs only.
Very few people who play this game give a damd about rehashing content .. cause 90% of the content in this game is repeated a billion times over as is.