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  1. #1
    Community Member Bolo_Grubb's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default Horc THF, fighter vs barb?

    Now that they are on sale I want a THF horc. Just not sure what class.

    I already have a TWF pure fighter, a TWF pure rogue and a pure FVS, all human.

    So now I want to go with a THF DPS toon, max str and max con. What class is best for that? Something that does not depend on a lot of gear or a lot of clickies (some clickies is ok).
    Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
    BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
    Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier

  2. #2
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Your reliance on gear will be directly proportional to how good you want to be at DPS.

    This relationship also makes it complicated to determine what you mean by "best":

    -If you mean best on average, the only way to determine this is to pick the gear you think you will reasonably attain and go through the maths of it. There is a spreadsheet available for this, but if you don't know what the inputs mean it's pretty hard to decipher the Excelese, that's not really what the spreadsheet was designed for.

    -Shade's video threads will give you best isolated incidents of particular builds with particular gear sets, which are usually not exhaustively detailed. That's a problem for you right off the bat, if you don't want to be bogged down by gear concerns. Additionally, how far each video deviates from the average is a question of a lot of statistical machinations, which is probably way more work than you care to do to get the answer to this question.

    -In practice, there isn't a huge difference either way if you have the same gear and buffs on each build. Then it becomes a question of what each class gives you outside of pure DPS: Barbarians have synergy with half-orcs due to rage enhancements, but are a little cramped when it comes to feat choices. Fighters have feats out the ears, giving you a much wider tactical palette. If you want both, a good balance to strike is 18 barb 2 fighter, giving you feat wiggle room while exploiting rage enhancements.

  4. #4
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    You're comparing gimpy Dwarfs not HO and you're using a 100% fort target lol. Your challenges are bull **** as people have pointed out.

    All they did was proved the calc correct several times, where as the entirely limited input and situations your challenge has, has shed no light on relevant DPS.
    Last edited by Consumer; 02-13-2011 at 06:56 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member metalworker's Avatar
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    There is no comparison anymore.

    THF Fighter v.s. Barb could be comparable pre U5 (Barb won by some margin)
    Post U5, Fighters pulled up ahead. Barbs including myself continued to lie to ourselves that we are still DPS-King (the margin was closing in favor of Fighters).

    With Horc out, there is just no way a Barb can match a fighter now. Barb Horc and Kensai Horc has a huge difference. The base damage from all the class/race enchancements add up more towards the Kensai enchanements (haste boost, double strike) and benefit much less for Barbs (frenzy damage that does not scale with base damage).

    Not to mention Fighters with haste boost gets more benefit from the THF fighting line than whatever Barbs can get. What I'm most ****ed with isn't Fighter > Barb, but it's Horc > anything in the game when you want to match DPS. A Horc THF Fighter gets +4 STR (racial bonuses), +3 STR (class bonuses), + damage/crit range (kensai), Haste boosts, THF damage and Power attack from racial bonuses. It's just waaay too insane to do any comparisons right now.
    Metalwatcher (Completionist, Life 4 of 11)

    Metalworker (TRx2 THF 18barb/2fighter) | Metalwatcher (TRx2 TWF 12fighter/6barb/2rogue) | Metalweaker (TWF 14barb/2rogue)

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