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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Barb GS Questions

    Before I start I should point out that this is my 1st ever DDO char, I have no raid loot yet, nothing has dropped for me yet, but I also only have 3-4 completions on most raids and haven't even stepped inside ToD yet. I'd like to be able to tank when needed, but I'll need the hate gear to do that well I guess.

    I am in the process of gathering the last larges I need for my pos/earth/pos+earth minII, and am now wanting to try to figure out which of the other 2 GS items to make.

    I've been doing some reading and it seems to me that 45 hp/Radiance Guard seems to be nice for one of the items (probably make the gloves), almost a no brainer on the 45 hp. But I am a bit lost on which skill bonus to pick, will the Dex bonus add to my relatively low Ref Save or just to the skills that use dex like balance etc?

    I've been using the planner but I cant figure out on the 3rd GS item to make, I'll probably make a cloak but I am not sure what to put on it (all the immunities seems like the only choice). Is it even worth making the 3rd one or will I just eventually take it out when I start using dual ToD sets?

    Would it be worth it to make a healing amp weapon for when I want to tank or will I lose too much dps to hold agro as I wont be Intimitanking? I have some heal amp on my DT armor and have been running hound to get the heal amp bracers from there.

    It seems like to be a rounded barb you need lots of heal amp and incite gear and then the hp to take every single hit cos of our low AC.

    Thanks in advance I know its alot of questions, but I dont want to just be passenger on raids and in epics.

  2. #2
    Community Member Cinderbeard's Avatar
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    You're on the right track with the weapon you are making. It is great for general purpose and will serve to lvl 20 and in epics.

    About the GS accessories, keep in mind that every piece of GS jewelry or clothing beyond the first needs to be cleansed. The essence for cleansing you can choose as a 20th shroud end reward. So making 3 or even 2 pieces will be a lot of shroud grinding.

    I'd focus on +45 HP item, preferrably goggles or cloak. Other slots all have great options. Belt, necklace and rings will have ToD items. For gloves you might have spectral gloves or (epic) gloves of the claw and the bracers form hound are also nice. I usually put it on the cloak slot because I like Tharnes goggles.

    The skill boost you get with GS items don't affect your reflex/will/fortitude, only the skill. A higher balance might be nice, but shouldn't be the main focus. Get the effect you like best.
    Earthgrab is very nice on a barb as it generates autocrits. Air or radiance are other good options.

    After the HP item you might want another weapon. A double positive Maul is an awesome undead beater and doesn't even cost larges. It has a raise dead clicky to boot. Great for beating on The Abbot, Sorjak in Stealer of Souls or epic Wizard King.

    Don't bother with a healing amp weapon. Healing amp on your dragontouched armour of via the bracers from Hound should suffice. As a barbarian the source from your aggro is DPS so lowering it with a 'crappy' weapon is generally a bad idea.
    Keeper Refugee
    Ghallanda: Warguth, Urgan, Cinderbeard, Gizzah, Soulblight, Xantilar

  3. #3
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    Oh I didn't realise I had to cleanse each GS item after the weapon I made, I thought the weapon didnt add to the set debuff. Oh well I guess Ill have to stop doing DDoor shrouds so I can get some more completions.

    Thanks alot for your advice.

  4. #4
    Community Member Cinderbeard's Avatar
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    Weapons don't need to be cleansed, you can make as many as you like and dual-wield if you should want to.

    Accessories (clothing and jewelry) do have to be cleansed if you want to wear 2 or more at the same time.
    You can have at most one uncleansed item equipped apart from weapons or suffer the debuff.
    Keeper Refugee
    Ghallanda: Warguth, Urgan, Cinderbeard, Gizzah, Soulblight, Xantilar

  5. #5
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    One other thing that will be very helpful to you is a Pos/Pos item or weapon of some kind.

    Pos/Pos gives you a Raise Dead clicky and having a Barbarian who is able to raise the Cleric is very handy, indeed.

    Also, you're probably going to be swinging either a Falchion or a Greataxe. That means you'll benefit from something that can bust through the DR of Skeletons and Liches.

    For all those reasons and just because it's nice to have a big hammer to swing around sometimes, I reccomend a Holy/Good Burst Maul. Don't bother with the third tier since you don't need to spend the large shroud ingredients on it, but you can craft one up while you slowly work toward the MinII weapon and other items/weapons that you're crafting.

  6. #6
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    Oh ok I understand now, time to continue the shroud grind...

  7. #7
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Cloak and helm and goggles seem to be the most popular choices for a barb GS item. I'd recomend an earthguard cloak with the 45 hp.... but radience guard is good too. I know of a lot of barbs in game who have that cloak, plus an resist and imunity goggles. I dunno what kinda helm they're making, but I assume it's to replace the Mino Legend with another 100% fort item and other stuff

    A min II is a great weapon to make. Some will say it is a waste of time, but they are wrong. As PopeJual said, a 2Xpos weapon with a raise dead clickie is great to have too. I made a maul, and it required no large mats, which was great and it destroys skellies like no bodies business.

    It's down at the moment, but I >>>highly<<< recomend this planner: Not to say the others aren't good as well, but in terms of simplicity, I personally have found it to be the best

    EDIT: Oh one other thing: never ever ever ever ddoor out. Completions are your friend, as are the two chests behind that force field. Even if you are just farming medium mats... complete.
    Last edited by Khanyth; 02-08-2011 at 09:08 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Thanks again for all the info, I like the look of the earthgrab guard mainly cos i get an ele as a pet . In regards to the goggles, what should I add to them after I take all the immunities, seems like I get to pick one resist or deathblock.

  9. #9
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asumah101 View Post
    Thanks again for all the info, I like the look of the earthgrab guard mainly cos i get an ele as a pet . In regards to the goggles, what should I add to them after I take all the immunities, seems like I get to pick one resist or deathblock.
    Do this:

    For a good cloak, choose this:

    Some people really like making a MinII helm too instead of a Mino Legend., but I find its a waste of larges that can be put towards another weapon.

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