I was considering rolling up a Light Path Half-Elf Monk (with the Cleric Dilettante so I can use Cure wands for soloing, BYOHing, or general emergencies).
STR - 14
DEX - 16
CON - 14
INT - 8
WIS - 16
CHA - 8
+1 Wis at 4th level to 17, +1 Dex at 8th level to 17 (so I can get the full two-weapon fighting line) and all other level ups into Wisdom.
The first few feats I'd take would be:
Level 1 = Toughness & Two Weapon Fighting
Level 2 = Precision
Level 3 = Concentration focus (and Fists of Light)
Level 6 = Stunning Fist... and maybe Discipline?
I was thinking about being in Precision mode and Fire Stance most of the time and spamming Fists of Light/Healing Ki, except on occasions where I swap to Water Stance to use Stunning Fist.
Is Stunning Fist particularly useful, and worth putting my level-up points into Wisdom instead of Strength (with +1 Dex at level 8).
Also, while I was planning on being in Fire Stance most of the time for the extra Ki generation for Fists of Light/Healing Ki, I was going to take the Water line of Enhancements to improve my Stunning Fist DC (assuming it's worth this heavy investment into the ability) hence starting with a Wisdom of 16 and putting all-but-one level ups into it.
I was hoping that Precision mode would help offset the lower to-hit from not having as high a Strength, on the assumption that Stunning Fist and Fists of Light would be more useful to the party than a few extra points of melee damage on my attacks.
As you've noticed, I've not mentioned stat increases from Tomes or equipment, this is because I don't have any Tomes or equipment to begin with, however I will naturally attempt to acquire the best I can as soon as possible, so you can assume these benefits will be incorporated at the earliest opportunity.
My question is, if this beginning idea is a good one, and it's worth making a Stunning Fist-based Monk, what feats would be best to take from level 6 onwards?
I'm reluctant to take Power Attack, as I think the to-hit penalty would not be worth the trade off for extra damage when I'm not trying to be an actual DPS build.