I'm happy with more raids and no events.
Chrono SUCKS and events are LOUSY!
"Don't Get Any On Ya'!"
Guild: Prophets Of The New Republic
Should tell your dm to pick up the monster manual 4, tons of dragon kin in it, and the dracnomicon (sp)
As a dm we recently closed a story line that had no demons or devils in it, and very little other-planar creature influence. (A short bout with githyanki in lvls 6-8) Between levels 1 to finish (26) a total of 8 true dragons were encountered. (3 of which were great wyrm, most others were around 'adult' age) So a raid with dragons isn't by any means short on supply, after all there is an entire land mass controlled by dragons in ebberon I believe. The truthful one's end would make a good raid.
Veriden, Orien server: Lost count of lives. 3 of all base classes, 3 halfling, 2 gnome...working on trying to make the game work again. May or may not return.
I love events. They're great as far as I'm concerned. As a new player Risia/Festivault was a great chance to make some needed coin the first time they opened it after I started. Mabar was a great time getting a really nice cloak and robe and a bunch of Death Ward pots while making some really nice coin. And the second/third time they opened Risia were great places to spend some of that coin so I can have murder machine twink weapons. So I considered the grind worth it.
And a bonus because I didn't think they were that grindy, really. If I only had 20 minutes to log in after work then I could run around Delara's for motes or stomp through Kobolds New Ringleader a few times for coins. I couldn't run a Shroud in that time. Or if I had to deal with baby BS it was real easy just to stand up, and deal with they kid for as long as it took.
I love the events, and think we need more. I'd like good cycle of 7-8 events that rotate throughout the year. Each year each event gets updated a bit. This year Risia's in the Harbor. Next year it's in House K. Mabar in the desert sounds fun. This year the pirate event has a nice set of leathers and some full plate, next year it's outfits and docents.
I agree we could use some more raids and more importantly lvl 15+ quests. But falling some where between disliking linking boss beaters and not understanding how you can't just open a friggin' solver for the Shroud puzzles I can see how raiding isn't for everyone.
Still though. If events aren't for you don't run them. If raids aren't for you don't run them. Me though. I think I'd rather more events than raids at this point, as long as we keep getting raids and quests too.
The events are cool and all, but if you're going to limit their frequency like you did with the Mabar Festival, then I'd rather just have more content that isn't available for a 'special time only' ...
Reasoning? I missed the Mabar festival due to a crazy semester in college, and it has a few really nice items I'd like, but really? Do I have to wait another 6 months to a year to access it again? If that's the case, I'd rather the dev's work on content that will benefit me year round.
If this event is going to be the same, my thoughts are: why bother? (If Mabar happened one weekend a month, I might feel differently. As is, I feel like a lot of time was spent on the event for relatively little payoff thusfar.)
If you're going to significantly restrict access, make the items only a little bit better than random loot, otherwise you're just teasing all the people who couldn't (for a variety of reasons) farm the items.
So sick of these "events" and even the "games". We have been crying for new high level content and raids that are not epic for how long now?
I also would like more raids. Some of them would be relatively simple:
1) Fight through her defenses and minions, and kill Aussircaex and her mate... reuse the current Prey map, more or less, just skip the frost giants as enemies, and give her some nasty friends.
2) Teleport to Dro'amm to bring the fight to the Hags
3) The Dal Quor have aligned with the Truthful One to destroy Ebberon, and you're going to have to face a psionic army of ethereal giants, monsters, Titans and dragons to shut down their gateway.
4) Epic Stormcleave
Thelanis: Axio/Pak/Flavord/Paxi/Axiomus/Efrit/Aximus/Axi/Paximus/Heysoos/DanielAsh/Axioma
-=[ Archangels ]=-