We were trying to see if we could get the first tier of the Divine Avenger into Update 9 along with the first two tiers of the Angel of Vengeance to make everyone happy, but deadlines combined with other events have crushified those hopes and dreams. The Divine Avenger hit some snags, and isn't going to be able to make it into the next release. Sorry about that.
We will have two tiers of the Angel of Vengeance in Update 9.
Look here for more information. (Better to have its own thread.)
Last edited by Eladrin; 03-10-2011 at 03:37 PM.
That pretty much wraps it up...
Now if I may:
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Sorcs AND FvS getting offensive casting PrEs? Niiiiice! Bring U9 asap!
Hmmm....that kinda sucks but I'd rather have it be delayed and whatever problem fixed than have it released broken
Guess I'll have to try out my H-Elf Sorc than(Start with FvS Dilly for healing until I hit acceptable UMD than swap to Pally Dilly for saves boost)
Note: The DDO AoV PrE (wow acronym city) seems kinda like the Anti-Pally (or Bard) :P the -10% fort I'm sure rogues will love that I see a few issues but won't get into it since there's already 8 pages about it so tl:dr :P
Last edited by Failedlegend; 03-10-2011 at 08:57 PM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Angel of Vengeance.
technically WF already have a *minor* heads up for you melee folks.
Be nice to get them both to provide for both playstyles.
BUT since there is already a *very minor* benefit for melee fvs already. AND since I play mine as a healer/caster..
My vote goes for Angel of Vengeance.
super BB ftw!
Feel Vengeance
Pulse Vengeance
Become Vengeance
How about the sorc PrE's? Because it's a hell of a lot more long overdue than PrE's for a much newer class...
Long Live New Xoriat
"I wish I had a chest so big you could zone into it." - Tolero at Gencon '07
Thank you Gary - 3/4/08