I second that ... the question is why are there only rarely offensive casting FvS? Maybe because next of kiting mobs through a BB, there isn't much more? Needless to say that a BB only works as long as mobs constantly traverse the border. On the other side in a group you prefer except the opposite, to have a mob stationary.
An Angel of Vengeance should have more to give then kiting with a BB and therefore would bring us more options to play with. That would indeed include new spells that probably overlap with upcoming Druid spells like:
Storm of Vengeance: Storm that rains acid, lightning, and hail doing 3d6 damage/round.
Earthquake: Intense tremor shakes 80ft. radius doing 10d6 damage and reduce movement speed.
Vigorous Cycle: Grants party fast regeneration.
Righteous Might: Your size increases (+4 STR, +2 CON, +2 AC, +DR 3/good), and you receive -1 to hit but +3 to damage.
[b]Stone Body[b]: Transforms the caster's form to stone (+4 STR, -4 DEX, damage reduction 10/adamantine, 50% movement penalty, immune to negative effects, half damage versus acid/fire).
Battletide: Creates an aura that gives enemies -2 to hit and damage and -2 on saves, +extra attack for caster.
Greater Magic Weapon: Temporary weapon enchantment +1 bonus/four levels (max +5).
[b]Magic Vestment[b]: Armor or shield gains temporary +1 enhancement bonus/four levels.
Visage of the Deity: You gain Charisma bonus and elemental resistances.
Regenerate: Target is cured 10% of their maximum hit points/round.
Animalistic Power: Imbues a target with an aspect of the natural world. The target gains a +2 STR, +2 DEX, and +2 CON.
Undeath's Eternal Foe: Party is granted immunity to negative damage, level/ability drain, poisons and disease.
Maybe even:
Gate: Summons a devil from another plane.
Bodak's Glare: Kills target and in case it was a humanoid return as a Bodak.
Planar Ally: Summons an extra-planar ally up to 12 HD.