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  1. #21
    Community Member efreet5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    I've never seen my hireling actually cast a healing spell when instructed as you describe to guard a target. Others may have better luck than I, though, hirelings and I generally don't speak the same language.The second and third seers have ogre magi in ranged spots. Left alone they will break the ritual by hitting the seer with lightning. I don't know if the ritual time scales with difficulty, but last night on normal a 3 minute invis. clicky was just long enough to prevent magi aggro.
    Ritual time does NOT scale with difficulty. A regular 3min invis clicky should be plenty for all seers regardless of difficulty as long as mino aggro is controlled.
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  2. #22
    Community Member Club'in's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    I've never seen my hireling actually cast a healing spell when instructed as you describe to guard a target. Others may have better luck than I, though, hirelings and I generally don't speak the same language.
    You may be right about that. I don't use hirelings all that often, so maybe it worked at one point, but no longer does. Easy to test in the Threnal East series, where you have to escort Coyle to the library, or if you have East 3 still open. That's probably easier to get to than the first crystal in Madstone. Or you could test it in Weapons Shipment. It's just that in Madstone they're pretty much just aggroed on the giant, whereas in these other quests, if the hireling is being damaged they'll want to heal themselves first.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    I've never seen my hireling actually cast a healing spell when instructed as you describe to guard a target. Others may have better luck than I, though, hirelings and I generally don't speak the same language.The second and third seers have ogre magi in ranged spots. Left alone they will break the ritual by hitting the seer with lightning. I don't know if the ritual time scales with difficulty, but last night on normal a 3 minute invis. clicky was just long enough to prevent magi aggro.
    The giants dance for exactly 3 minutes on all difficulties.
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  4. #24
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Club'in View Post
    Easy to test in the Threnal East series, where you have to escort Coyle to the library, or if you have East 3 still open.
    This was exactly where I first tried to test it, I'm sorry to report. I thought maybe the running around was messing with it, so then I tried the same method in East 3 - it went incredibly poorly. I eventually resorted to leaving Coyle targeted and spamming the heal button on the hireling toolbar. Would that I had an invisibility clicky (or five) then!
    Quote Originally Posted by Razcar
    The giants dance for exactly 3 minutes on all difficulties.
    Quote Originally Posted by efreet5
    Ritual time does NOT scale with difficulty. A regular 3min invis clicky should be plenty for all seers regardless of difficulty as long as mino aggro is controlled.
    Good to know, thanks.

  5. #25
    Community Member Club'in's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    This was exactly where I first tried to test it, I'm sorry to report. I thought maybe the running around was messing with it, so then I tried the same method in East 3 - it went incredibly poorly. I eventually resorted to leaving Coyle targeted and spamming the heal button on the hireling toolbar. Would that I had an invisibility clicky (or five) then!Good to know, thanks.
    Ah. That is sad to hear. I think I've done it with another party member before, but not an NPC. Now I want to test that next time I'm in game.

  6. #26
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    A single ...3 charge clicky like a cape will suffice for the whole quest.

    1 per Giant at the crystal.

    Beat everything else down.....

    That is all.

    Again...i take others to make it a faster run.......and for entertainment. The hardest fight is the second giant. The first giant and 3rd are easy as long as you can beat the spawn down.

    For the first giant just invisi with clicky talk to him run to spawn gate......start swinging.

    For second run up and plug at least one ramp with a giant skelly. You will need a ranged attack for this one. Invisi giant (resists and blur if you can) then range the mage that spawns above to get his agro. Kill everything that comes up. A summons works nice.

    For Third...invisi giant and then just jump to spawn gate (fight not at the gate but closer to the bridge....the spawn up to will not bother with giant and you will not be inline so he wont get hit....

    Everything else is just a beat down.

    btw i will be running the heck out of madstone tonight on gland.....look for the lfm that says to grab my stone and come and carry my stone

  7. #27
    Knight of Movember
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    Been a while, but as I recall, cast Inv BEFORE speaking to the giant, otherwise he will still generate aggro in my experience. Also, I seem to recall Inv. does not work on one of the giants (to take away aggro) ... good luck!
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  8. #28
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    Just managed to solo this on my melee (w/hireling). Didn't have an invis clickie for the giants, and ran out of resist wand for them. Long annoying try and try again on the second crystal. A little bug (*shhh* the mobs weren't inactive, just not as effective) made the third easier. Somehow managed to die in the crowd before the final fight. Got TKed off the spire, but after a long run back the final fight was uneventful. Got a Keen of GGB sword as an end reward.

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