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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default give exp during events

    Ok, I know suggestions tend to be a waste of time, not to mention that anything is controversial (at least in some people's eyes...)


    We're about to have another event. Days of mindless grinding await us. Why can't the event areas give exp per amounts of kills just like the wilderness areas? I certainly know my TR would appreciate it.


  2. #2
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    'like the wilderness areas' sounds like a decent way, only giving the extra reward at landmark amounts.

    i'd prefer if it only counts your own kills, not party kills as with slayers.
    if so, you'd have to stay within party level or be powerleveled as usual.

  3. #3
    Hero patang01's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Please don't. The time sink is a trade off from playing for XP and other gear. Put enough time into it and you'll get some decent gear without the longer grind it takes to say get a Epic item outside the event. It's mindless, it's kind of boring, but it's a trade off.

    I got a mabar cloak on all my toons, even with spares in the case I'd like to TR (for each level). In less over all time than I could put together a green steel cloak or other named items.

    Or Ice Burst kits for randomly pulled weapons. It's such a huge advantage in early levels.

    Just as I can do one quest over and over for that named item (such as none epic Chronosphere) without any XP benefit the events should be a time sink trade off for the generally more easy to get items they provide.

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