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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Exclamation My suggestions for Update 9 or 10

    We really need something in here:

    1. Shared bank (or normal bank - I don't care) has to have ability to store cash. - I usually have to post all my cash between my characters by mail (a lot of mails, and its really tiresome, not only for me - I assure you).

    2. Make bag (or however you want to call it) that can store scrolls. - Wizards who get scrolls and want to hold them for TR have a really hard time with finding space for them. You have to help us.

    3. Put small/medium cookie jar and medium scroll container into house shops like its done with collectable/gem/ingredients bags. - Base versions should always be in shop.

    4. Add more and new locations to 'Teleport' spell. Make it useful again (partly done, partly only). - Teleport should have at least 20 locations and not as it is now - almost useless... Wizard should be able to get into all locations he wants - like GUILD SHIP!, Harbor, Lordsmarch Plaza, The Twelve, Amarath and many more.

    5. Make 'Greater Teleport' to work in town but as a personal spell (caster only teleport). Also add more locations to it. - Add new places you make to it. Wizard should be able to get into all locations he wants. Really take some time to make it useful again.

    6. Repair Guild Ship teleport to Amarath (will be done in U9 - Great Job). - It should be done long ago as I see it.

    7. Epic quest have to have separate counts from normal quests, maybe other quest giver and for sure separate end reward list. - I still get +2 wraps in carnival pack :/. Doing quest on normal shouldn't get you epic quest timer.

    8. Doing epic quests 20 times should give Shards/seals of choice and possibly maybe +2 tomes list. - Epics are nice, are hard and till now they base on pure luck. Please change that. Farming seals shouldn't be a way to do it, cause i run some epics over and over and i still didn't got lucky to get my seal.

    9. Epic items Scrolls should drop with better rates. - It sick that most ppl have seals' shards, tokens but scrolls almost don't drop and its really hard to get a scroll for their items. Also place scrolls in end chest and end rewards for epic 20th run. I like the idea of general pack scrolls too. Its very good.

    10. Repair winter festival and winter festival items (<string table error; tableDID). - Done. Great work!

    11. Add more roles for guild like: vice leader (capable of making officers), recruiter (for full recruiting for a guild), officer (should be able to invite for some time - trial period). Vice leader should be able to select new leader if leader is off-line for month or maybe officers can vote for change after leader is off-line for a month.

    12. Make available Voting on leadership if 80% of officers wanted it. - 1 officer (or other non-member) starts voting process and all officers vote in 1 week of time (available 1ce a month or so). After leader is off-line for a month auto vote for new leader. Thats a real problem for some dead guilds (dead after leader ends paying and don't pass lead).

    13. In all raids/quest from Update 1 all named loot is bound to account, make old raid loot BTA also, not BTC as it is till now. - This will generally allow ppl to make better alts and stop farming items forever. Its not cool the way it is.

    14. All prepar recipe for epic ing of Bucannier (event ring that dont have +5 protection). - For items like that there should be repair option. Even for non epic (non epic could use Kyber Dragonshards). Its not that you do mistake and say we fixed it but we spent a lot of time to make those items. I have 2 rings and my wife have other too. It was hours of our work. So respect that and add way to repair that.

    15. Generally try to fix some issues, old packs instead of placing new content. Repair update once in 6 months. - It would really help cause this game starts to be just too bugy...


    16. Add epic questing for Gianthold, Necropolis 4 and possibly Dreaming Darkness. - All very important packs should have epic questing/raiding. Especially epic versions of dragon armors others than red are very needed. Dreaming dark items should be also sloted you know...

    17. Add some nice features to old almost worthless packs. - Do it like with chronoscope. There are packs like Ruins of Thernals, Tangleroot, Sorrowdusk Isle what needs something more. Especially in need is Tangleroot that is only with 1 quest location and quite nice wilderness. If you add something ppl will start buying them again, like they do with Devil Assault. Also the is an idea of making wilderness for more than 1 pack. Like maybe Tangelroot that have 1 quest location could get 1-2 more packs in that nice wilderness area.

    18. Looks for weapons should be there too. - Thats true. We have armors, we have shields. Its great. Now lets make weapons. There could be possibility of doing a bit of customization in them too.

    19. All !@#% list for curses in other languages them only English. - For me it would be nice. I can provide list in my home language - Polish, and probably other ppl could help you with languages they know too.

    Add other suggestions and I will append this post so it all can be in one place for some Turbine staff to read.
    I hope it will help making game batter soon.
    Last edited by xandariant; 04-01-2011 at 07:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xandariant View Post
    We really need something in here:
    11. Add more roles for guild like: vice leader (capable of making officers), recruiter (for full recruiting for a guild), officer (should be able to invite for some time - trial period). Vice leader should be able to select new leader if leader is off-line for month or maybe officers can vote for change after leader is off-line for a month.

    12. Make available Voting on leadership if 80% of officers wanted it. - 1 officer (or other non-member) starts voting process and all officers vote in 1 week of time (available 1ce a month or so). After leader is off-line for a month auto vote for new leader. Thats a real problem for some dead guilds (dead after leader ends paying and don't pass lead).
    /not signed

    I am on board with many of your suggestions but I DO NOT agree with your suggestions for guild leadership changes.
    Fizban - Avatar of Khyber
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    Motto: Enjoy the game, loot and XP will follow

  3. #3
    Hero Musouka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xandariant View Post
    2. Make bag (or however you want to call it) that can store scrolls. - Wizards who get scrolls and want to hold them for TR have a really hard time with finding space for them. You have to help us.
    That's really not a good reason to suggest a scroll case. This game isn't designed to make TRing easy.

    Quote Originally Posted by xandariant View Post
    3. Put small/medium cookie jar and medium scroll container into house shops like its done with collectable/gem/ingredients bags. - Base versions should always be in shop.
    I don't really like this, because I paid for my cookie jar. Plus the festivult isn't a permanent event. It only happens for a month here and there. Thus making the cookie jars a seasonal incentive, which you must use TP for. Don't like it, get rid of all the cookies you don't use to save space in inventory.

    Quote Originally Posted by xandariant View Post
    7. Epic quest have to have separate counts from normal quests, maybe other quest giver and for sure separate end reward list. - I still get +2 wraps in carnival pack :/. Doing quest on normal shouldn't get you epic quest timer.
    I figured the ability to epic your weapons and items was good enough incentive to run epics. Not the end rewards. However, it does make sense to scale the rewards.

    Quote Originally Posted by xandariant View Post
    8. Doing epic quests 20 times should give Shards/seals of choice and possibly maybe +2 tomes list. - Epics are nice, are hard and till now they base on pure luck. Please change that. Farming seals shouldn't be a way to do it, cause i run some epics over and over and i still didn't got lucky to get my seal.
    That's rough. It's not like you'd be able to use the items you epic until you reach 20 from every TR. So it's kind of hard to see why you need items that you can only use while capped to be given to you freely, especially since epic timers on quests only limit you less than a day, versus a raid nearly 3 days. I also disagree with the scroll suggestion.

    Quote Originally Posted by xandariant View Post
    10. Repair winter festival and winter festival items (<string table error; tableDID). - If you can't restore their properties on already made items just make all with icy burst. Just please do something with it finally after 2 months. It really hurts a lot if you don't know what is your upgrade status of a weapon. No to mention AH where i don't see if item has cold touch or icy burst.
    Patch 8.1 release notes state that it will fix the text error in winter festival weapon upgrades.

    I totally disagree with the guild suggestions, because if you don't like how the guild you're apart of is being run, then join another guild or make your own.

    The rest are alright suggestions, but nothing I would rush into even in the next 2 big updates.

    Making Dreaming dark epic is pointless, as the items you can get there are quite good on their own. Making them epic would just slightly make them better.
    Sarkiki - Orexis - Pallikaria - Epithymia - Musouka - Empnefsi | Cannith Server

  4. #4
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    These are all suggestions people post every now and then, we need more original ideas that have enough punch to get the devs attention, not just tweaks to things since in the end everything you can think about can be improved.
    You know the saying, if it ain't broke dun fix it.

    Exception is epic tor, they had it in the works so hey, release it already lol.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Musouka View Post
    That's really not a good reason to suggest a scroll case. This game isn't designed to make TRing easy.
    I think if they did made TR system there should be also a bit of help. Besides not any Arcanes want to save scrolls. Other ppl use them too - divines, UMD builds. Many ppl would love to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Musouka View Post
    I don't really like this, because I paid for my cookie jar. Plus the festivult isn't a permanent event. It only happens for a month here and there. Thus making the cookie jars a seasonal incentive, which you must use TP for. Don't like it, get rid of all the cookies you don't use to save space in inventory.
    I use cookies not only on festivult days, and jars are in DDO store all the time.
    As for buying for TP - some hirelings were in DDO store before they went to vendors. Is it wrong to buy them while they are in DDO Store? I think its choice, but anyway its only a suggestion.

    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post
    These are all suggestions people post every now and then, we need more original ideas that have enough punch to get the devs attention, not just tweaks to things since in the end everything you can think about can be improved.
    You know the saying, if it ain't broke dun fix it.
    I hope they listen and think about it really. They will do what they think is best. I just wanted to do some gathering of ideas than possibly can help a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post
    Exception is epic tor, they had it in the works so hey, release it already lol.
    If its made they surely should finish it and let us play it.
    Since DDO offers nothing for long time players, only wants to milk money by raising prices and difficulty to force ppl to grind for items instead of play and have fun, also new content is designed only for grind, Im off.
    Good Luck. CU in Guild Wars 1 and soon 2.

  6. #6
    Hero AZgreentea's Avatar
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    I think you mean U11 or U12, cuz stuff takes time to build. U9 and U10 are nearly complete.

    1. The devs have said that the current game technology prevents this. If that will change in the future, who knows, but it would be a major investment of money and time. That always gets weighed against potential profit.

    3. The festivult is a special event. If it was an integral part of gameplay, then maybe, but you can only get the cookies once a year. I dont really see a need for this. Maybe BTA though.

    10. This will be fixed this month with U8 P1. its in the pre-release notes.

    11 & 12 I think guilds could use more tweaks, but I am pretty sure people want high lvl content first.

    13. BTA and BTC is based on the power of the item at that lvl. A pass on older stuff may be needed, but that dosent mean it will change. The Red Fens stuff is BTC because its much stronger at that lvl than other items.

    14. I predict that there will be a major bug pass once new content reaches lvl 20. That will probably be the last update of the year. I think the community would rather have new endgame content than bug fixes, though mileage may vary.

    16. 3BC could use some love. I love that area, but its hard to get anyone to run it since the XP is poor and there is nothing but random items you out level quickly.
    The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
    Dee Hock

  7. #7
    Community Member Robai's Avatar
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    Last edited by TheRobai; 02-08-2011 at 08:18 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xandariant View Post
    16. Add some nice features to old almost worthless packs. - Do it like with chronoscope. There are packs like Ruins of Thernals, Tangleroot, Sorrowdusk Isle what needs something more. Especially in need is Tangleroot that is only with 1 quest location and quite nice wilderness. If you add something ppl will start buying them again, like they do with Devil Assault.
    Very Good Suggestion.

    However, from what I have seen, it is Three Barrel Cove, that currently needs the most love in this direction. While it is a wonderful and awsome looking zone, yet the consensus it that it is totlaly lackluter in rewards and motive to explore.

    It could use some dev loving, perhaps even add in an end raid like DA pack got with Chrono.

  9. #9
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AZgreentea View Post
    10. This will be fixed this month with U8 P1. its in the pre-release notes.
    Do you have a link for it? I can't find these pre-release notes.
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

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  10. #10
    Hero AZgreentea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brian14 View Post
    Do you have a link for it? I can't find these pre-release notes.
    You can only see them on the Lam forums right now since they aren't "official" yet.
    The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
    Dee Hock

  11. #11
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Musouka View Post
    Making Dreaming dark epic is pointless, as the items you can get there are quite good on their own. Making them epic would just slightly make them better.
    Forgetting about the items a sec, everything in that pack is far too easy to be entertaining to geared level 20s (assuming you run them on elite). Thus it's a reasonable candidate, IMO, for epic-ification in a way that Amrath and Reaver's Refuge aren't.

    As for loot - well, small upgrades to already good items sometimes make the best epic items - witness Epic Torc of Raiyum and the Epic Bloodstone - both are best in slot for a large number of builds despite only being a fraction better than the base item.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  12. #12
    Community Member Narishka's Avatar
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    I have another suggestion because I tried out the new armor kits previews for 1 Turbine Point and thought it was a really good idea for players to select "their" armor style.

    So, it would be really nice if Turbine would include a haidresser or such maybe located in e.g. House P where the players can try out the exclusive hair dyes (because they are also really expensive) to get a preview how the dye will look on their toon.

    The preview of the hair dyes should also be available for 1 Turbine Point and the color should wear off when leaving the "hairdresser room" if thats possible at all.

  13. #13
    Community Member ssgcmwatson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narishka View Post
    I have another suggestion because I tried out the new armor kits previews for 1 Turbine Point and thought it was a really good idea for players to select "their" armor style.

    So, it would be really nice if Turbine would include a haidresser or such maybe located in e.g. House P where the players can try out the exclusive hair dyes (because they are also really expensive) to get a preview how the dye will look on their toon.

    The preview of the hair dyes should also be available for 1 Turbine Point and the color should wear off when leaving the "hairdresser room" if thats possible at all.
    Ditto something (House D maybe) that would change the look of your weapon but not its attributes. I hate it that my Horc's best axe looks like a frikkin rake!!

    UDR Loot Rules:
    1) No griefing people for pulling loot that dropped in their name
    2) When rolling, classes for which the item is "useful" get +10 to the roll
    example: Wiz and Barb both roll on a Torc, the barb saying "I'm TRing into an arcane next week"
    Wiz gets +10 on his roll

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by xandariant View Post
    10. Repair winter festival and winter festival items (<string table error; tableDID). - If you can't restore their properties on already made items just make all with icy burst.
    I know this is getting fixed in 8.1, but the part I underlined is a horrid idea. I did not use 40 recipes and 8448 motes to end up with a 3 recipe and 300 mote effect.

    Keep your filthy Icy Burst off my silky Superior Glaciation VIII.

  15. #15
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    4. An interesting use for teleport could be porting directly to an instance entrance in explorer areas if you have been there before.

    This also has a nice flavor to it as tele tradiationaly has the stipulation of a location you already know... can't be that difficult to code. If you have favor for the instance in question, you can port to it.

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