Ok it's easy if your an experienced player with a good build and great kit. And yes if you solo of course cooking 3 zillion undead at gas mark 3.5 is gonna take time. What do you expect
A great party will destroy Wizz King Epic in 35 mins.
But remember those going through Wizzy on auto pilot are the tiny minority. For most of us dilemma doesnt mean the shockingly hard choice between donning the Epic Mari Chain or The Red Dragon Armour
And i bet all you guys groaning at how easy it is have had a few disasters in the ''good ole days'' Before even a dirty look from your Epic item loaded toon caused every mob within 300ft to spontaneously combust (ok 310 if ur names axer )
But for those not so epic in epics it's a real hard test. And you know for these guys it's probably a whole lot more fun to come through. I kinda envy them.
Pugged a wizzy last nite. One really solid Clonk (me) and one really good caster. Another Cleric and three melees all fairly new to epics (at least desert epics in any case). I wasnt PL but found out when we started fighting the undead that the melees didnt have blunt holies and some didnt have disease immunity. We made it . Loads of deaths,almost wiped a few times,end fight was a SOB...
But the party had a real blast and their was a real sense of achievement amongst the players.
Their will also be a sudden increase in the number of triple pos mauls and disease immunity devices in the world