People in the market say yes, guildy says it doesnt work on portals (which holy effects)
also, is it an add on to damage when critting?
People in the market say yes, guildy says it doesnt work on portals (which holy effects)
also, is it an add on to damage when critting?
Righteousness is +2 to hit AND damage against evil Mobs.
I havent tested it against Shroud Portals, but it "should" work. Holy does. It wouldnt be that hard to test. Get 2 longswords, one righteous, one without.. and watch your to hit. If it goes up +2 it works. If not, it doesnt. If you get the bonus to hit, You are getting the bonus to damage as well.
EDIT: and yes, it works against boss mobs just fine.
oh, ty then impaqt :] +1
going off to icy burst the +2 hb scimi of righteous instead of the +1 hb of pg...