Event Spoilers Ahead:
So the event quest is basically an RTS style quest where you manage resources to win..
But if you really want to win faster .. Visit the DDO store. Now i might be jumping to conclusion here - just I could not find an ingame option to get these requisition forms, if there just rare drops thats not quite as bad, but far as I could tell they aren't available ingame normally.
Pretty much you can cheat the quest by pulling out your credit card, then buy "requisition forms" to unlock more kobolds, torchs, teleporters, etc.. To make the quest easier.
They probably aren't needed to win as it's not a very hard quest, but still a lame move imo.
Why not just put the loot in the ddo store?
Surely thats the next step for the next event..
Slippery slope turbine. Not impressed.
Store should be for fun cosmetic items, of convience items that mainly still exist in the game but you can cash in for to get faster.. Not for exclusive items that are exclusively used to cheat a quest and complete objectives faster then others who don't want to spend the points.