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Thread: Lame.

  1. #1
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Lame.

    Event Spoilers Ahead:

    So the event quest is basically an RTS style quest where you manage resources to win..

    But if you really want to win faster .. Visit the DDO store. Now i might be jumping to conclusion here - just I could not find an ingame option to get these requisition forms, if there just rare drops thats not quite as bad, but far as I could tell they aren't available ingame normally.

    Pretty much you can cheat the quest by pulling out your credit card, then buy "requisition forms" to unlock more kobolds, torchs, teleporters, etc.. To make the quest easier.

    They probably aren't needed to win as it's not a very hard quest, but still a lame move imo.

    Why not just put the loot in the ddo store?
    Surely thats the next step for the next event..

    Slippery slope turbine. Not impressed.

    Store should be for fun cosmetic items, of convience items that mainly still exist in the game but you can cash in for to get faster.. Not for exclusive items that are exclusively used to cheat a quest and complete objectives faster then others who don't want to spend the points.
    Last edited by Shade; 02-05-2011 at 07:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Default /siderant

    Not entirely bad that they have event items in the store, it was to be expected, but how they do it can use some improvement.

    May be fine if it is like the ethereal keys that you might need once at first but not afterwards as you gain more in game.
    May be fine if it is like the cocoa cups that you can get addicted to but just saves you the long walk.

    Not so liking that you had to buy the skates since using the white coins was like trial only, not worth doing rental for the real thing.
    Not so liking the way the midnight draught worked since it was only helping those farming for hours.

    Not liking at all that the reward from the travellers thingy is random, some spend little tp and got those hearts of wood but some spent a lot of tp and got nothing but rods of teleport.
    Not liking at all that your chances of winning mabar depended on filling the dragon room with enough people, at some of the later mabar weeks the dragon room wasn't filling at all, let alone with able people.
    Altough in this latter case the store had nothing to do with it.

    Just some of the various things one may or may not like, sometimes the tp cost is fine, others not so much.
    Last edited by donfilibuster; 02-05-2011 at 07:39 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I agree to a point, If the event was tweaked a bit to allow you to purchase more torchs (with crystals) I think it would be fine.

    There is plenty enough kobalds running around if you buy the 5 allowed, and with a teleporter they seemed to clean out an area pretty fast.

    Remember we will be able to put kobald haste on our hats too to speed them up a bit too.

    The only part where I wanted more things than I was able to purchase via in game methods was torchs when you are getting close to the quota.
    Blind Faith


  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    But if you really want to win faster .. Visit the DDO store.
    Slippery slope turbine. Not impressed.

    Store should be for fun cosmetic items, of convience items that mainly still exist in the game but you can cash in for to get faster.. Not for exclusive items that are exclusively used to cheat a quest and complete objectives faster then others who don't want to spend the points.
    More like road to hell than slippery slope. This event, and this update, puts the store "in your face" in an unpleasant way.

    I know where my credit card is, and how to use it. I've used it before, to the point that VIP would have cost me the same as premium up to this point. I don't care if other people want to buy their way through the game, but it greatly irritates me when there is no alternative, or when the advertising for the store is everywhere, in every dialogue box, in the crafter, the entrance to the dungeon - you name it, and the store was plastered all over it.

    Sadly, it is happening on more than the event - the change to the bank with this update is unacceptable and tarnishes the game. I do not want to see an "Buy more slots now" link in my character bank, that opens directly to the Turbine store, just as I didn't like the "buy shared bank". I am not an idiot - I know where the store is, and how to use it. I do not want to see price tags and "buy more" on stuff in the game every time I turn around.

    One of the reasons that Google took over search was the way they advertised and how clean their site looked - no banners, pop-ups, or anything annoying that turned you away from the site, or distracted from your search. With this update, DDO is heading in the opposite direction. It was easy to lose my suspension of disbelief. I wasn't in Eberron this afternoon, instead it felt like I was in a stinkin' Wal-Mart with kobolds and hobgoblins.

  5. #5
    Community Member Ovrad's Avatar
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    I fully agree with you on this one, the store felt way too present during the event. Grogs and compass are a bit annoying but aren't that bad, however actually changing the mechanic of a quest (crystal cove) with options from the store feels VERY wrong. This is a quite the slippery slope. I mean what's next? Certain chests in quests with unique loot unlockable only with store-bought keys? I thought there was a discussion recently about store-only items giving bonuses to players. That's why astral diamonds, xp/renown pots and a few more started dropping (very occasionally) in game. This is a one-step forward, three step backwards situation...

    As for the bank slots, aside from the fact that the display is completely broken,

    we do not want more spam in game. If we want the bank slots, we'll buy them, no need to constantly shove it in our face. If they aren't selling enough, maybe it's because the cost for 20 items slots for a single character is too high.

    Quote Originally Posted by donfilibuster View Post
    Not so liking that you had to buy the skates since using the white coins was like trial only, not worth doing rental for the real thing.
    Actually, I'm probably a minority here, but I liked it better that the skates were rentals. I could get a pair with the cheap almost worthless white coins, and not have some item lying around in my bank for the rest of the year when I'm not iceskating.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khimberlhyte View Post
    I wasn't in Eberron this afternoon, instead it felt like I was in a stinkin' Wal-Mart with kobolds and hobgoblins.
    ^ This.

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