this guy probably wasnt wearing fort velah got an insane crit multiplier.. if you dont wear
heavy fort and got a crit hit from her even 500+ toons will die.
this guy probably wasnt wearing fort velah got an insane crit multiplier.. if you dont wear
heavy fort and got a crit hit from her even 500+ toons will die.
Am I among the Sarlona elite? Yes, shrug. Never hidden it, and frankly, I don't care one whit, and that was hardly the point.
As for the cleric, that was rather simple. I saw his mana bar not move, at all, in the quest. I asked him what to at least heal himself. No reply. I insisted, and stopped the party dead on it's tracks until I got a reply. The reply I got was that he couldn't heal himself. Further digging resulted in him stating he couldn't cast spells. I decided to let him know the problem was wisdom, and what he needed to do to fix it.
At the time, I saved the head banging against the wall to stop the pain for when I was alone.
Last edited by Solmage; 02-08-2011 at 04:57 AM.
Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.
That's incorrect info, she doesn't hit very hard, but does have a very high crit threat range, 11-20 or the like.this guy probably wasnt wearing fort velah got an insane crit multiplier.. if you dont wear
heavy fort and got a crit hit from her even 500+ toons will die..
oh yea thats what i meant still not wearing heavy fort isnt such a good plan then tho and together with low hp
results in quick deaths..
what is her crit multiplier then x 2 only ?
I wouldnt mind trying it but people probably wont like it if you get 1 shotted there like the op
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
It's my first toon! It's not my fault!!!!111!
Oh wait, this is the Sarlona server forum.. Erm.. nvr mind...
But just a question - is experience really important for running an epic quest? I've run epic bout 3 times so far, and the other day I saw an LFM for epic (a small problem, I think but could be something else). I clicked on it and was asked if I've done the quest before. I said, not on epic and was promptly turned down. The leader didn't even ask bout my toon's HP (which is hovering precariously at 329 ).
For many epics (Snitch/Bargain of Blood/Big Top/Partycrashers/Tide Turns/VoN1/Black Loch) (maybe even VoN2/Wizard King), no experience is needed. They're easy enough, even with their tricky spots, that an average leader can guide everyone through. For some of the tougher ones, people usually want either experience, or know the person before taking them in.
Small Problem requires a bit more coordination and teamwork than the other House P ones, and it's rather long. You can spend 30-40 minutes preparing the entire quest, then have one person screw up and cause a wipe on the last fight. A tough, reasonable HP bard is almost essential for that fight in order to control the constant spawn of tiefling casters and brutes with stunning blow, while avoiding the Hyena that spams Otto's Irresistible Dance. It's also fairly tough on the caster, since so many different forms of CC are needed (Dancing Sphere, Mass Hold, Symbol of Stunning for the wildlife, Irresistible Dance for the elementals,Tiefling casters, and the three orange named dogs at the end, Greater Shout for the spiders).
My suggestion would be to find a semi-static group, or at least a constant leader, and keep joining their groups. As you get more experience, they'll be willing to teach you the other epics.
Thanks for the explanation, Sarisa.
I was just a bit surprised that my pure spellsinger bard that was turned down. There was already 2 cleric and 1 arcane in the group, and thought my bard could be of great help to them . But thanks for pointing out about the coordination thing.
Funny thing about that, at the start of a raid you say?
I have a few melee guys with blue bars, and at the start of a raid, it can be kinda fun to watch my red and blue bars jump up and down like a kobold.
Yes, i'm a switchout fanatic.
I'll enter with sp items and umd items on, buff myself and the party like a mad hatter, and start my switchout routine.
It's not uncommon for me to walk in with hp under the 400hp marker, but as i step towards my first fight hey presto! i'm packing a 600hp waddy!
I'm sure you have had some bad experiences with genuinely gimped ignorant players in raids, but i'm just saying, it's DDO, things are not always what they seem at first glance.
Coitfluff Coitrippr Luciforge Coitburner Coithealz: Ghallanda
Well then let me be the first to say my apologies. I didn't believe that was even POSSIBLE until my son rolled up a Horc Sorc (literally the only reason he did it was because Horc Sorc rhymes and it made him giggle...ok it made me giggle too) and could not move for some reason... let alone cast spells. I also overlooked the fact that you could see by his mana bar that he could not cast (woulda been interesting to see how much mana he had just for giggles though), though this now begs the question HOW did he get to 16 without casting a spell? Is Sarlona that classy a place that they allow that kind of behavior? If so count me in!
And thank you for letting me know you are among Sarlona's elite. I now know who to go to for guaranteed completions when I roll up my axe throwing dwarf Monk/sorc/rogue!
The general consensus by a large percentage of the population is, we're forgiving as far as ignorance goes, as long as people learn from their mistakes and improve. Those who don't learn eventually are shunned as a poor player and have a much harder time getting into even semi-decent groups (judged at a glance by who is in said group). If someone simply doesn't know, gets corrected, and fixes their problem asap (such as the Horc Sorc [lol] taking a lesser reincarnate for moar CHA) then nobody will look down on them. Maybe have a giggle at their foible but in the long run no harsh judgement will be passed. It's those that continue to be a waste of space that eventually have a rep go around about them. I could name names from personal experiences, but I won't of course - Just look for who never gets into my groups.
It's not snobbishness or elitism to decline those that refuse to learn from their mistakes and improve; it's common sense.
My issues are more with the epic LFMs that say "if I don't know you, I won't accept you." I'm trying to do more epic stuff but this LFM is funny to me...........allow me to join, watch me play and then make a decsion based on that.................wait, igonore this- by following this logic I am guaranteed zero admittance to any group that sees me........
Lead "I taught Del everything he know" Belly
Hirelings? Carrier Pigeons? Pikers Hall of Fame candidate? People assumed 1 cleric 15 ftr? Sarlona is fairly forgiving within reason, and extremely helpful, but wow. As a gigantic walking newbie myself, I'm glad when Aerenal collapsed my characters ended up on Sarlona lol.
Lots of people will be helpful, sometimes less tactful than you may like, but rationally they are right even though their response may have been irrational.
Aeolwind (5/12) - 18 Sorc/1 Art | Melisandria - 20 Fighter SD | Anlona - 20 cleric RS
I really do not understand why anyone in their right mind would not want to "watch me" play through a long EPIC raid. My own LFMs specifically state "Will not not accept you in group unless you have watched me in previous EPIC raids"
Of course you have the right to advertise anyway you want. Having said this, when I read these type of LFMs, it does come off sounding a tad, dare I say.......silly?