Want: Gloves of the Claw Scroll.
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Want: Gloves of the Claw Scroll.
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Ghallanda Server
Asystole HeHateMeeeee
Knuckleup Magano
Wiff Freddieboom Fiftee
scroll traded...I have a 2nd one i will prob trade since im not pairing them ...got lotsa pm's..and scroll went for the scroll i was looking for plus other valuable scroll and 3 reds.
2nd scroll trade pending..will update..feel free to send offers
Could use anohter claw glove scroll
other non-junk scrolls
large scales
Ghallanda Server
Asystole HeHateMeeeee
Knuckleup Magano
Wiff Freddieboom Fiftee
trades completed..txs
Ghallanda Server
Asystole HeHateMeeeee
Knuckleup Magano
Wiff Freddieboom Fiftee