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Thread: Solo'ed Garamol

  1. #1
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    Default Solo'ed Garamol

    Ok, probably not that big of a deal, everyone does it I think. But I'm basically a newbie, and my lvl 15 clonk is my first toon past lvl 7. So no daddy warbucks gear or anything.

    Really, its only a big achievement for me because it was a milestone I was shooting for. I need to get some Icy Rainments, so I've been exploring the Subteranne.

    OK... so not only is it not all that impressive, it is waaaaay worse than that.... I died/reentered twice, and used a few dozen heal scrolls... but, knocked it off my list. Just figuring out the Subteranne enough to get there has been quite the experience.

    I even got special loot in the chest... the Luck Blade. Wow... I'm in awe. I think I'm going to carry it around until I pull my Icy, just to see if it does bring luck.

    Random question... as you repeatedly hit a chest, do the odds of named loot go down too? Or can I hit it until ransack and still have the same chance at an Icy.

  2. #2
    Community Member DemonMage's Avatar
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    The chance of loot doesn't change until you hit ransack.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Congrats - it doesn't matter how you did it, the fact remains that you did it!

    I've got toons that wouldn't survive the solo-run down there, let alone killing Gargamel.

    Your next achievement should be dragging a raid party of random PUGgers along with you
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  4. #4
    Community Member pSINNa's Avatar
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    Congrats, and now, as soon as all the rangers and monks in your guild find out you can do this, you're going to get a LOT of practice at it. xD

    Keeping on knocking out those goals m8.

    Coit out~
    Coitfluff Coitrippr Luciforge Coitburner Coithealz: Ghallanda

  5. #5
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    I'm sort of shocked.... I think the luck blade worked.

    After a few more trips into the Sub, I got the portal where I wanted it again. And after a couple more deaths (including one where I died from traps before I hit the ground...) and like 4 dozen heal scrolls.... Another Garamol kill, and Icy Rainments.

    Second try. I don't know how many I expected it to take... but 2 is a goooood number.

    Deathwise, it seems its always from his cronies (well, and the midair one). Once I dispatch them I can whittle away Garamol. While they're up and about, its way more dangerous, mainly from stuns/holds, etc. I'm pretty sure I'm getting dispelled down there, so I never tried FoM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raoull View Post
    I'm sort of shocked.... I think the luck blade worked.

    After a few more trips into the Sub, I got the portal where I wanted it again. And after a couple more deaths (including one where I died from traps before I hit the ground...) and like 4 dozen heal scrolls.... Another Garamol kill, and Icy Rainments.

    Second try. I don't know how many I expected it to take... but 2 is a goooood number.

    Deathwise, it seems its always from his cronies (well, and the midair one). Once I dispatch them I can whittle away Garamol. While they're up and about, its way more dangerous, mainly from stuns/holds, etc. I'm pretty sure I'm getting dispelled down there, so I never tried FoM.
    Congrats. Especially congrats on getting your Icy on the second run through. I know many people who have ransacked it for months without any luck.

    Take off featherfall and slowfall before stepping through the portal. That will help avoid the traps. Some people said that aiming your way through the rune circles while floating down will avoid the traps too will work, but I'd rather just drop like a rock past them.

    When I solo it on my cleric, I like heading to the wall opposite (as far away from) the chests. When facing the chests from this position, I like taking out the priest to the left and the wizard to the right first. The archers and spectres aren't anywhere near as dangerous.

    You will get Dispel'ed, a lot. The wizard, priest, and Garamol himself all literally spam it. Even at caster level 20, they have no problem dispelling your buffs. Kundarak Delving Boots if you can get them will help a lot if you decide to do this again.

  7. #7
    Community Member Snormal's Avatar
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    Congrats, but it's Raiment, no n.
    Snorm - Khyber

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Congrats OP!

    Icy Raiments used to be a very rare drop, but Turbine adjusted that last year. My first toon took 50+ runs to get them, but my bards got theirs in the first 10 tries.

    Have a good one!
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  9. #9
    Community Member Raoull's Avatar
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    Thanks all.

    The crazy thing about the falling death is that I was falling like a rock. My combat log even showed 80 points of damage from hitting the ground, its possible that the traps just knocked me out and the ground is what did me in.
    I was even mid heal, as normally one trap catches me and does a chunk of damage, so I've been aiming for a heal or RS burst right before I land.... that time it never went off.

    The DCs are nuts, it looked like I had a 29 roll on one and failed anyway. I had no resistance going, since Nightshield is my usual resistance.... now I'll have at least some resist and prot when my buffs aren't active.

    And uh.. yeah, Raiment. I think that's why most people just say "Icy".....

    I think I'm keeping that luck blade for a bit though. I know it doesn't do anything... but I did purposefully (jokingly) keep it for luck in getting my Icy, and the sucker worked.

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