hey hey... latly some stuff is gathering dust in my bank...so here is what i got:
Sirroco (item)
Tortured Livewood Bow
Maul of Malice
+3 Force, Icy burst Handwraps of Stunning +10(ML 18)
Other stuff u wear:
Finger Necklace (1 perma dmg)
Belt of Thoughtful Rememberance
Cloak of Ice
Ancient Band
Docent of Quickening
+3 lesser heart of wood
+2 int tome
Raven's Talons
Raven's Sight
Elder's Focus
Shield of Scorpion
Dusk Heart
Robe of Fire
Cloak of the Zephyer
Bejeweled Letter Opener
Tourney Armor
Mummy Wrapping (just ask for it...u get it as long as i dont have to add stuff so u take it)