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  1. #1
    Community Member skyjuice's Avatar
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    Default Assault on Summerfield

    This quest is one of the pre-flags for the quest Siegebreaker, part of the Attack on Stormreach chain a p2p module.

    Having trying to re-do this quest for the Mark of Rhesh...i am still trying to figure out some parts pertaining to the optionals.

    First of all, is rescuing the guards any use? I read that saving all guards gives an extra chest - where is it?

    Secondly, I have not seen some of the rares that might appear. Where is khin Broketask, or that rare medusa or even the rare sniper?

    Never forget who you are, for surely the world won’t. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, & it will never be used to hurt you.

  2. #2
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyjuice View Post
    This quest is one of the pre-flags for the quest Siegebreaker, part of the Attack on Stormreach chain a p2p module.

    Having trying to re-do this quest for the Mark of Rhesh...i am still trying to figure out some parts pertaining to the optionals.

    First of all, is rescuing the guards any use? I read that saving all guards gives an extra chest - where is it?

    Secondly, I have not seen some of the rares that might appear. Where is khin Broketask, or that rare medusa or even the rare sniper?
    khin will sometimes jump out of a portal. the sniper is towards the back of the town, you know the gate into the useless area where there's nothing that contributes to your quest objectives at all? the place with a ton of engineers? well, just before leaving the city limits, the sniper is around there, if he spawns. the medusa is supposedly just outside one of the gates at the start... never actually had her spawn for me, but supposedly once you drop down after dealing with the portals, she's right nearby.

  3. #3
    Community Member skyjuice's Avatar
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    hey hi )

    Khin: The portals at the start?

    Rare Sniper: Near the River?

    Rare medusa: Not sure which gate you are refering to.

    Never forget who you are, for surely the world won’t. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, & it will never be used to hurt you.

  4. #4
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyjuice View Post
    hey hi )

    Khin: The portals at the start?

    Rare Sniper: Near the River?

    Rare medusa: Not sure which gate you are refering to.
    yes, the portals at the start.

    near the broken city gate that leads out to where the river is, but before you leave the city.

    the gate that the end boss smashes in.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    I dont think so, from ddo wiki and from my experience rescuing guards is exp only.

    4 chests total

    1 near beginning from saving the captain from the initial assault.. appears up top near captain
    1 at end from beating boss.. appears at bottom where boss is/was.

    1 optional from beating the sniper if he appears.. appears near the captain also
    1 optional from beating medusa if she appears.. appears also near the captain

    So if you get lucky and kill the medusa and sniper if they show up you'll get 4 chests total, 1 at the boss and 3 up top near the captain. I do not think the guards optional has any chests. The sniper and medusa for me always show up on the south side of the city. There is a small se area with the siege engines and more enemies, but no reason to clear out that area except for kill bonus. No chests there either.

  6. #6
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    There's a second chest near where the end chest is/captain is if you save all the soldiers (I've had a run with no rares with two chests).

    The medusa spawns right after you defend the initial wave of attackers and you can enter the rest of the town.

  7. #7
    Community Member Atremus's Avatar
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    You should get a extra chest on the ground floor for rescuing all of the guards. For this you need to get every single guard, including the optionals from the rooms you can enter. [watch out for the traps in those rooms]

    I've killed the Medusa near the fountain. Not sure if she spawned there or found me there.

    The Sniper is on a roof in the location described above.
    Characters: Celemia / Tukson / Thau (Broken link) / Atremus

    “A pessimist is one who feels bad when he feels good for fear he'll feel worse when he feels better.”

  8. #8
    Community Member ahzad's Avatar
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    Default Missing Chest's for the Rares

    I seem to be having an issue with the rare's chest's not spawning. I've ran it 6x now and the Medusa has only spawned 3x and the chest has only appeared once. The sniper has appeared 2x with no chest. Khin has never spawned.

    I can consistently count on getting the chest belonging to the guard's and the fixed chests belonging to the General, the clam, and the end chest, but those rare chests are hardly appearing. Is this a bug or something?

    I can agree with pain of grinding this to find the marks, only one so far. I've got most of the rare equip except for the one I want and that's the scepter of the ogre magi. Getting so tired of this quest chain just to find that piece of loot and the right mark.

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