is it possible to have a battlemage with these req?
be able to swaap between melee and spells quickly self buff.
also if possible some way to heal other then items.
have a decent mana pool but still not die in 3 shots and still be able hit things on normal difficulty alone.
there will be alot of times where i won't have time to run with a group wether it be cause i have to go afk or somthing else but i need to be able to survive on my own and my was 20 wiz couldn't do that.
also what my wiz didn't have was a build i completly made her as i went i wouldn't say it was bad but i could have done alot better.
i don't know all the mechanics and or much of them in ddo so if somone could help me out with a good battlemage perferably able to get i think it was up to at least 8th lvl spells and still with above that would be great if not whats the best option.
survivablity is needed plz and thx