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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jan 2009

    Default battlemage questions help needed.

    is it possible to have a battlemage with these req?
    be able to swaap between melee and spells quickly self buff.
    also if possible some way to heal other then items.
    have a decent mana pool but still not die in 3 shots and still be able hit things on normal difficulty alone.
    there will be alot of times where i won't have time to run with a group wether it be cause i have to go afk or somthing else but i need to be able to survive on my own and my was 20 wiz couldn't do that.
    also what my wiz didn't have was a build i completly made her as i went i wouldn't say it was bad but i could have done alot better.
    i don't know all the mechanics and or much of them in ddo so if somone could help me out with a good battlemage perferably able to get i think it was up to at least 8th lvl spells and still with above that would be great if not whats the best option.
    survivablity is needed plz and thx

  2. #2
    Community Member RazorrX's Avatar
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    May 2006


    First i am boggled that your 20th level wizard can not solo. Wow.

    Second, if you are needing a caster who can fight make either a cleric or a favored soul for your solo needs. They can self heal, lay down some serious damage, fight, etc. should be your solo win button.
    This space for Rent

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009


    I would agree with razor about making a cleric. But, if your looking for an arcane caster I believe warforged is the most viable self-healing option. But alot of other people will be able to tell you more about what prestige classes will help or what other classes you could splash to achieve your desired results.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    The easiest way to make a durable Battle Mage is the Warforged way. Self healing via spells, wands and scrolls is very effective. The built in AC is useful at low levels and the immunities are always nice. For all races: high CON, Toughness and Racial Toughness enhancements to maximize your HP. I'm a personal fan of two handed fighting for fighting casters. Divine Power clickies are your friend to achieve decent melee prowess.

    If you don't know the DDO mechanics well, use a player designed build. There are many great ones on the forums. Here is a great place to start: . I have been happy with the Spiffy Wizard build for many months.

  5. #5
    Community Member Tarnoc's Avatar
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    Default Imo

    if your having issues with a 20 wizzy maybe try a sorc and go all con and cha

    a battlemage isnt going to help you as they are very gear intensive to be good at either casting or mellee... and i assume gear you dont have

    battlemages only work with heavy gear req and helpful guildies who help you get said carring you through quests

    for all content to amrath a sorc is better then wizzy because of a larger mana pool

    sorcs can also get a significant umd to cast heal scrolls if not wf.....but ide still recoment a wf wizzy or wf sorc......cleric and fvs you will be expected to heal ina group...this may not be wat you wanna do

    p.s. wf wizzy all con int is also wat you should be after and then enough str to not be burdened

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    thx but my 20 wiz reincarnated it wasn't that i couldn't solo things but i had a hard time doing so and if they were my lvl i couldn't like i said i made her on my own and didn't look at another persons guide so there are alot of mistakes.
    but battle mage is to gear dependent and i kinda wanted the arcane school.
    can somone point out a battle mage build i'll look at it?

  7. #7
    Community Member hu-flung-pu's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Half-elf dilletantes make things pretty nifty for wand usage for self healing and divine buffs from scrolls and wands.

    A rogue/paladin/sorcerer with favored soul dilettante is what I'd consider. As well as twilight and/or mithral shield.

    You'll truly be a jack of all trades, master of none.

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