How about if we can toss hirelings 1 or 2 weapons we have in inventory? Especially when hireling's weapon is broken, eaten by ooze or rustie monsters.
I know DDO is not Diablo 2, but I really like the idea that if we can give hireling weapons for them to use, to replace their broken weapon or just give them a better one (yup, give those stupid arcane casters a quarterstaff and makes them stop shooting those stupid crossbows is what I am thinking)
it is annoying each time when I bring a hireling along and encounter oozes or rusties, they just eat away my hireling's weapon (sometimes even hireling's shield) and leave him with 2 hands empty. If we can give hirelings weapon this should solve the problem, or if you prefer make hireling's weapon never suffer from damage it will be even better.
Suggested mechanism:
open trade window with hireling > put a weapon in it > accept > hireling will automatically wear the weapon you give to him/her and destroy his/her previous weapon (you gave to him or not, all destroyed)