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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jun 2010

    Default How do i get back to this ability build

    At level 16 as a 1 monk, 1 cleric, 14 fighter build i had these stats

    20 str
    15 dex
    13 con
    8 int
    17 wis
    8 cha

    What would i need to spend (and when) as a 32 point build in the begining to reach these numbers again when i lesser reincarnate, i just reincarnated and managed to mess up and was off by 2 points

    Im now a 2 monk and 14 fighter and these are my base ability points after reincarnating back to 16

    19 str
    15 dex
    13 con
    8 int
    16 wis
    8 cha

    i cant figure out what i did wrong and how to get back to what i had before, does it have something to do that i didnt take a level of cleric this time around?
    (my class is elf by the way)
    Last edited by Municiple; 02-01-2011 at 10:52 PM. Reason: number misprint

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jun 2010


    I think i Figured it out, i must of spent 17 in str this time and only 16 last time not sure though

  3. #3
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    not enough information. did you use any tomes before? were all your level raises put into stength before? etc.
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

    Minimize expectations and you'll never be disappointed

  4. #4
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    Jan 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Municiple View Post
    At level 16 as a 1 monk, 1 cleric, 14 fighter build i had these stats

    20 str
    15 dex
    13 con
    8 int
    17 wis
    8 cha

    What would i need to spend (and when) as a 32 point build in the begining to reach these numbers again when i lesser reincarnate, i just reincarnated and managed to mess up and was off by 2 points

    Im now a 2 monk and 14 fighter and these are my base ability points after reincarnating back to 16

    19 str
    15 dex
    13 con
    8 int
    16 wis
    8 cha

    i cant figure out what i did wrong and how to get back to what i had before, does it have something to do that i didnt take a level of cleric this time around?
    (my class is elf by the way)
    There are a few things that could've happened. Have you figured in Enhancements?

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    I used tomes but im only talking about the "base" abilitys without tomes or enhancments or items, only being off by 2 last time made me think that puting 17 into str costed more points so i must of put 16 last time in str and the other points in the other skills, heh i wish their was a calculater that accounted for points gained through level up and race

  6. #6
    Community Member AMDarkwolf's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    oooh I see your problem....

    Your class is elf.

    Just wonder what race qualifies to be that class?

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    I was elf before, i just lesser reincarnated to reset my classes.

  8. #8
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Municiple View Post
    I used tomes but im only talking about the "base" abilitys without tomes or enhancments or items, only being off by 2 last time made me think that puting 17 into str costed more points so i must of put 16 last time in str and the other points in the other skills, heh i wish their was a calculater that accounted for points gained through level up and race
    something is not quite right. If you started with 17 str instead of 16 this time around, then you should have gained a point in str instead of losing one, i.e. end up at 21 instead of 19 (as long as you put the same number of level ups into str as last time).

    My guess is you started with a higher str this time around, which cost you more build points, so one or two of your other stats were lower. You must have tried to compensate by putting level ups that should have gone into str into those other stats.

    edit - You must have had some tomes figured into the previous set of stats (or your numbers are wrong). It is impossible for an elf to get those first set of stats you posted using only 32pts and 4 ability raises, without using any tomes or TRs.
    Last edited by krud; 02-02-2011 at 05:32 PM.
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

    Minimize expectations and you'll never be disappointed

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