Originally Posted by
For shroud? No, i Wouldn't waste the plat on it. For Epic? When your sitting on millions of plat on a server where plat can't actually buy anything why not drink pots that give you +1 to-hit/damage? I drink yugo-pots like they are coolaid. Do I think the 1 point matters one way or the other in a DPS calc? Not at all, I just found it funny what and what is not considered a standard.
Assuming 1/2 the people having Red Dragon scale is nuts, I'd be surprised if 1% of the people actively running epics have this. Same with Marilith chain, Epic Bloodstone, or anything else giving a higher than 6 seeker. A normal Bloodstone should be assumed. I've well over 100 dragons on 4 toons and I've maybe had 7 scales drop in my name total.
ESoS is way more common than Red Scale and an unfortunate necessity for THFers but not all have it. All are working on it and will eventually have it so it should be calced as such. All TWFers should be working towards Mineral II and Lighting IIs so that's more than reasonable.
I'm just taking issue with Consumer's statement with "600" DPS being the magic number for a "DPS" toon because that number is inflated do to redscale being in the calcs. It's very rare and most of the hard-to-kill stuff in the game is immune to fire.
The OP's chart, once corrected for the tempest speed variance, looks good, accurate, based on stuff most players will be able to get in a few months of active play (maybe not the Claw set and epice Marilith chain, but everything else can be gotten in 40ish shrouds/ToDs and other raids). I roll with a few ESoS equipped barbarians who have the 500ish DPS and they absolutely destroy things, to not have them classified as "DPS" is absurd. They're REAL DPS when DPS matters the most is excellent, they kill stuff quickly and efficiently.