You know, it might not work out too well trying to tank Horoth elite on a 500HP character. But what you and Grodon and others never answer is:
You cannot all be that stupid. The entire point of a rogue's threat reduction is to avoid pulling aggro. They do not
WANT to tank Horoth. What they want is the massive damage they do while some brainless barbarian tanks Horoth.
Duh, its ok boss, I gots da big ugly demony thingy. He hateses me a whole bunches.
To which I have to say,
Good boy!
(I have to resist the urge to say
Roll over, sit up, play dead. 
Because the point here is that the rogue wants the DPS. So doing something that isn't DPS related is not inside the rogue's realm of activities.
I think that Grodon would like us to believe that because rogues might be less than the best choices to tank Horoth elite that he's somehow identified "lots of things" that a DPS rogue cannot do.
But, tanking is
NOT a DPS role. It is as stupid as saying,
Barbarians can't disable traps. It is true, but who cares? What does it have to do with the subject? Nothing....
Neither does tanking Horoth elite have anything to do with max DPS builds.