Another High Rollers sponsored event! Originally inspired by Nexx on my home server of Khyber.
Can you solo Epic Wiz King? Single-handedly bring the smack down to Suulomades? Make the Demon Queen beg for mercy? Leap tall air-ship towers in a single bound?
Yeah, we don't care about any of that. No, the question is -- can you Look Good Doing It. Are you Mr. Cannith material? Find out!
Date: Saturday February 12th, 12:00pm PST (3:00pm EST)
Location: House Phiarlan, upstairs near the Auctioneer
Rules for entry:
1. Character must be male.
2. Player must have a sense of humor.
The low-down.
Characters will participate in four rounds of competition; Best Dressed, Swimsuit, Dance Off, and DDO Trivia.
Best Dressed: Each entered character can select and display up to three coordinated outfits. If it looks good, wear it! Armor and helmet slots can both be used.
Swimsuit: If you got it, flaunt it! After showing off the outside, get down to basics. Because we all love brown leather undies.
Dance Off: Tumble, flip, dance, jump - display your best moves for the judges!
DDO Trivia: Trivia about our favorite waste of time! Changed due to feedback, no one remembers 2ed. (apparently I *am* old).
Prizes (subject to change):
1st Place: 2 Flawless red dragon scales
2nd Place: +2 Tomes STR, DEX, WIS, INT, and CHA
3rd Place: 1 large Ingredient Bag, +2 STR tome and 100k plat
Automatic extra point to any entrant meeting the following criteria during any life: halfling + any number of Barbarian levels. Because they're still the most adorable things in the game.
And for the less good looking amongst you - the Brown Paper Bag award!
Don't feel you can compete with the best dressed of Cannith? Kept your eyes closed during character generation and now your face looks like the south end of a north bound Hezrou? Have 'show helmet' always toggled on because otherwise tramatized halflings would run screaming? This is the catagory for YOU!
Prize: +1 Lesser Heart of Wood - because if you're THAT ugly you need to Lesser Reincarnate NOW. Please. Think of the halflings.
Contact me for further details in game. More information to be posted later.
Have fun!