Hope this is in the right place, anyways...
We all know the addition of guild renown and more importantly Decay was a much need addition. However when this was implemented no controls were put in place to be able to manage the guild via account basis.
If decay is built on No. off accounts / Renown accrued surely some tools should be put in place for guild leaders/officers to see which member accounts are under performing? Currently the only way to SLIGHTLY manage this is kick accounts that arent logged for 5 days or whatever. But realistically just because they have been "Logged" doesnt mean that they have actually contributed to the guild in any way.
Please can we get some form of tool to match up toon to an account ( I know you dont want to show the true account name for protection, but maybe show the primary toon with all alts underneath?) with an added row for how much renown they have contributed in the past 24 hours etc.
Im sure I cant be the only one who would love something like this to be put into the game