It is has been a while since I have had internet access here in Bagram, but I finally have access for a few days. Just wanted to say hello to all my frineds and let you know that everything is going well. Once I get to my FOB I *might* have a connection that will allow me on DDO, but I will not know untill I get there, and I do not yet know what FOB I will be going to, nor when I will actually get there.
The living conditions here are not nearly as nice as Iraq, I am in a tent with 50 of my new-found closest friends. And I think about 10 of them speak English. Good Times. The food is ok, but the DFACs have much less choice than I became accustomed to in Iraq. Also, the PX is far smaller than I like, and the military gets to go to the PX for 2 hours before us civvies do, so most of the good stuff sells out early. I understand why they get first access, (and I have no problem with it), bt it does make getting some thing a little more difficult than I expected.
At least I like cold weather, because the heater in the tent is barely worth the title "heater". I am almost regretting moving from the top bunk to the bottom bunk, at least the top bunk was right under the heating vent, and the bottom bunk is right next to a great big drafty mesh that lets in the cold.
And yes, they call it A$$-Crackistan for a reason.
I hope to see you all in-game soon
Tickdoff Tank