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Thread: warrior priest?

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default multiclassing without the gimp.

    How can I determine, during rolling a toon, what is the best combo of classes and levels for multiclassing. I want to have a successful splash toon. I have some ideas, I am just not sure how to determine which are the best?
    what are some general rules for multiclassing at creation time?
    Note: I edited this thread, please forgive any wrong titles or whatever. sorry, brain gimpy.
    Last edited by Mike1w; 01-31-2011 at 04:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member markusthelion's Avatar
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    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1w View Post
    How can I determine, during rolling a toon, what is the best combo of classes and levels for multiclassing. I want to have a successful splash toon. I have some ideas, I am just not sure how to determine which are the best?
    what are some general rules for multiclassing at creation time?
    Note: I edited this thread, please forgive any wrong titles or whatever. sorry, brain gimpy.
    Mike, just figure out what you want your toon to be able to do. Do you want a healer with more HP, Melee with good dps and umd? Once you figure this out, its time to look at the classes you intend on blending. Look at all the pre's and enhancements they get, know what will and will not stack. Know the race you intend to use and what their strenghts and weaknesses are. Thats really all I can tell you, the rest is just playing the game and learning from experience. No one rolls their first toon without gimping it a little bit, its a rite of passage. Hope this helps bro.
    Last edited by markusthelion; 02-01-2011 at 02:48 PM. Reason: clarification

  3. #3
    Community Member hu-flung-pu's Avatar
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    A warrior priest is a paladin.

    A half Orc 12 barbarian/8 favored soul is just crazy.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1w View Post
    How can I determine, during rolling a toon, what is the best combo of classes and levels for multiclassing. ...
    You experiment. You have an idea, you make a plan, you execute that plan.

    If it works, it works. If it does not, you analyze what went wrong, you delete that gimp and start again.

    Repeat 1000000 times.

    Thats how it works, you try, fail, do it again and again and maybe someday it will work.

    There are some common rules tho:
    - with UMD (for scrolls, wands), clickies and potions you can emulate low level powers. Things like cures, resto, haste, stoneskin, etc. For example a couple of levels of wizard or cleric is not so good. You can "emulate" that basic Haste or cures. In general "blue bar" chars starts to get interesting after level 11.

    - too many functions. Don't try to stuff everything into your build and then expect to be good. Each function costs something, attributes, feats, enhancements. You can't be **** Good in melee and archery and magic and <insert something>. Pick 1 function as your primary.

    - don't have 2 functions on your char that do the same. Example: spell/magic is 'ranged', so why bother with bow (also ranged). They both do the same thing, damage at range, but require different set of stats/feats. Pick 1 "function".

    - synergy. Good MC builds have some "thingie" that binds different classes/functions together. Example: Wizard18/Rogue2 has INT. INT boost spells, boost rogue-ish skills, gives extra skill points and boost Ref saves with a proper feat.

    - with multiclassing you don't get more power. You trade some high level powers, perks for other powers that your primary class does not have. It's a trade, business. You hope to make a good, fair deal. That Wizard18/Rogue2 trades Capstone, extra feat, more mana, better Spell Pen for Evasion and some rogue-ish skills. Its a trade, one power for another. Not more power, different power.

    - good char builder will ignore this rules and just do it. I mean, really what does that Kriogen knows ... So just do it.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Just read the forums sections for various classes. In your case, "warrior priest" is either going to be straight paladin (with possible splash) or, for more splashing, some form of cleric multiclass.

    I highly recommend Sirgogs Cleric Catalogue 2010. Ive got a TRd dwarven cleric 18 / fighter 2 that is highly survivable, great in raids and epics, and can solo well, too. Spells and an axe, thats what warrior priest is all about to me.

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