are there any active p2p guilds out there, maybe even with a reasonable guild level & active members? It's king of frustrating to deal with "err no sorry don't have that/this quest" all the time & i was curious
are there any active p2p guilds out there, maybe even with a reasonable guild level & active members? It's king of frustrating to deal with "err no sorry don't have that/this quest" all the time & i was curious
Not that I have seen. Just an FYI though, there are plenty of dedicated players who are not P2P, but have all, or almost all the packs, they just don't want to pay monthly. You wouldn't want to exclude them from your group/guilds.
Here's a tip though if you are having problems with PUGS, check that the party you or someone else has created has actually chosen the proper quest in the quest list. If a person without the pack sees the lfm, it will tell them they do not have access.
I usually put P2P in my descriptions too.
Good luck! B)
Dex (HU) - Pal 14 TR2 || Grue (DF) - Monk 12
Dux (DR) - Bard 18 || Dox (HU) - Cleric 20
Dax (HU) - Fighter 15 || Tyrael (HU) - FvS 13
Broken Alliance