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  1. #1
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    Default Heighten metamagic feat... useful for a healer or a waste of a precious feat slot?

    In another thread I asked what I hoped was a quick on-topic addition, but I'll move my question here.

    In that thread Heighten was said to be a must-have feat. My experience with Heighten has been underwhelming; just a mana drain. Other level 20 healers have told me in the past to not bother with it... so I asked about that. Unfortunately I worded my question poorly and got a stupid response. My fault.

    What I meant was, in what situations does Heighten make a "OMFG look at that" impact? What kind of experiment could I do to demonstrate and understand its "must have" potency? (For example, testing Maximize is easy; try BB with it on and off. No contest.)

    As a healer in a party it doesn't appear to do anything.

    Soloing Vale was really disappointing. Mobs didn't seem to die any faster. So I figure either I'm doing something wrong, it's highly situational, or I was just gullible and got sucked in by Heighten fanboys. Maybe all of the above.
    Just trying to be a good healer on Khyber.

    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew
    Yep... Even when the party has no cleric, its the clerics fault.

  2. #2
    Community Member Noctus's Avatar
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    Healers dont need it.

    Clerics profit from it.

    +3 to the DC of your BBs is very nice. Not when you play in the Vale at 20th level, but if you are in level appropritate content.
    Erzskalde (Warchanter) / Erzassassin (just passing through - ignore me) / Erzsoldat (waiting for TR-time) / Erzschmied (ranged Artificer)

  3. #3
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    My understanding is that Heighten gets applied to your Cure and Heal spells raising their SP cost unnecessarily (and significantly), which makes it rather unappealing to healers unless you don't mind swapping it on and off.
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  4. #4
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    Test: Turn Heighten on and cast Hold Person (level 2 spell) while in an epic quest.

    This was my first zomg I must have that feat on my cleric. Turned out that the arcane in our epic BoB group only knew how to meteor swarm so it came down to the cleric using hold person to get us through the quest. It relies on maximum wisdom and probably some sort of +enchant DC item (spirit sight goggles, enchantment sceptor/bracers, giants napkin for instance).

    The +3 DC is critical for your blade barriers and cometfalls in some content where mobs have high reflex and evasion. Having a good DC on other spells like Symbol of Persuasion, Greater Command and Banishment is also important in some content (epic/elite end game quests for instance). I don't know if you use Banishment much but you will probably notice an increase in usefulness even in the vale particularly against red names (yes you can banish them if the DC is good enough).

    I wouldn't build an offensive casting cleric or FvS without the feat.

  5. #5
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Dead mobs don't damage you or your party. Healing through damage is more SP intensive than outright destroying the threat.

    What does Heighten allow you to do? It (along with other factors) allows you to get high enough DCs on your spells for them to be effective in Amrath and Epics.

    Which allows you to sit back and enjoy the scenery in Amrath when all the other Clerics are scrambling for cover behind the melees.

    It allows you to farm Epic quests without relying on an Arcane buddy.

    It means your offensive spells land when they need to, which is more SP efficient than a re-cast.

    Justifying it depends on what kind of Cleric you want to play. If you just want to healbot and maybe run a few Shrouds, then you probably would be on the fence for utility. Definitely don't need it if you aren't maxxing Wisdom or are tanking Wisdom to go melee. If you like offensive casting, then I highly recommend it.

    I'd take it as one of your last feats- no real use for it before then. Turn it off while raid healing, and on when soloing or offensive casting in quests.

    Basically, if you aren't trying to squash in melee feats, what else would you take? My Must-Haves are Quicken, Emp. Healing, Toughness, (Empower/Max or both), Extend. On a pure Cleric, you get 7 feats (8 on human)- all of the above amount to 6.

    It does not do anything for level 9 spells, and level 7-8 Cleric spells are either buffs or lame. Where it really shines is on your bread and butter spells such as Blade Barrier, Cometfall, Greater Command, etc. I can see why you would not see much of a difference in Vale, but imagine the satisfaction of Cometfalling Clay Golems to their knees in Epic Wiz King or Greater Commanding a broken Mephit on EVoN bases.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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  6. #6
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phalaeo View Post
    It means your offensive spells land when they need to, which is more SP efficient than a re-cast.

    Justifying it depends on what kind of Cleric you want to play. If you just want to healbot and maybe run a few Shrouds, then you probably would be on the fence for utility. Definitely don't need it if you aren't maxxing Wisdom or are tanking Wisdom to go melee. If you like offensive casting, then I highly recommend it.

    I'd take it as one of your last feats- no real use for it before then. Turn it off while raid healing, and on when soloing or offensive casting in quests.

    Basically, if you aren't trying to squash in melee feats, what else would you take? My Must-Haves are Quicken, Emp. Healing, Toughness, (Empower/Max or both), Extend. On a pure Cleric, you get 7 feats (8 on human)- all of the above amount to 6.

    It does not do anything for level 9 spells, and level 7-8 Cleric spells are either buffs or lame. Where it really shines is on your bread and butter spells such as Blade Barrier, Cometfall, Greater Command, etc. I can see why you would not see much of a difference in Vale, but imagine the satisfaction of Cometfalling Clay Golems to their knees in Epic Wiz King or Greater Commanding a broken Mephit on EVoN bases.
    Thanks for the explanation - I've had the same question as the OP, nice to see it spelled out clearly like this.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by phalaeo View Post
    Dead mobs don't damage you or your party. Healing through damage is more SP intensive than outright destroying the threat.
    Amen to that.

    Definitely don't need it if you aren't maxxing Wisdom or are tanking Wisdom to go melee.
    I've taken a lot of heat for maxxing Wisdom from [former] guildies. It's nice to know that trying to push Wisdom up as high as I can hasn't been a waste.

    I can see why you would not see much of a difference in Vale,
    So I'm not completely crazy.

    Cometfalling Clay Golems to their knees in Epic Wiz King or Greater Commanding a broken Mephit on EVoN bases.
    Fewer mobs throwing down damage means less stress on me.

    Again, I appreciate everybody taking their time to explain this to me. I've only been playing for maybe six months and have a lot to learn still.
    Just trying to be a good healer on Khyber.

    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew
    Yep... Even when the party has no cleric, its the clerics fault.

  8. #8
    Community Member Fenrisulven6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phalaeo View Post
    I'd take it as one of your last feats- no real use for it before then
    I agree with everything else you wrote but this. I run max spec'd Heightened Soundbursts all the way thru VON (and then some).

    Makes quests like Tangleroot a snooze-fest. And its still useful as a ranged stun attack against casters.

  9. #9
    Community Member
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    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the clear explanations.

    <3 you guys
    Just trying to be a good healer on Khyber.

    Quote Originally Posted by sainy_matthew
    Yep... Even when the party has no cleric, its the clerics fault.

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