Just pulled some +4 Force Burst Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane, race restricted Warforged (ML 18). Looking to trade them. Accepting Large Devil Scales, Red Scales, Epic Scrolls (esp. Abishai set), stunners better than +3 Shock Handwraps of Stunning +10.
These Handwraps, assuming a Holy Burst and Shocking Burst ring, are one +1 short of the maximum possible auto-crit unarmed DPS on all Evil Outsiders (for when you've got a caster stunning everything before you get a chance to), and slightly better than +1 Holy Handwraps of Greater Evil Outsider Bane against Harry, and other non-auto-crit Evil Outsiders. Significantly better if you have trouble hitting.
I reserve the right to refuse to sell if I don't like any offers I might prefer to keep the wraps in case I TR my Monk back to WF.