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Thread: Suggestions

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Suggestions

    I hope someone sees this and implements at least one of these.

    1) Adding a small tab to each friend in the social screen to write notes. "Ran with Xxxx in Mission Zzzzz. Saved my hide more than once." It would be rather nice since you may have lots of friend and have no clue where/when you added them.

    2) Auction lists having an arrow like |<-- and -->| to jump to the first page or last page. When you have 22 pages and really want to get to the good stuff.

    3) Maybe I just haven't figured this out yet but some equipment and some characters (when you right click then hit "Z" to view) have such a long description that you can't see the top. Perhaps a side scroll bar is needed or a way to reduce the window so the top can be read.

    4) DDO store idea. Bank Card so you can go in and get one item from the bank without leaving a dungeon. It's a one time use item. This is only to make a withdrawal and can't be used to add stuff to your bank account if your inventory is full.

    5) Raising the spirits. Have someone in the game (NPC) to talk to so you can be sent to the nearest spirit binder from where you were. So if you were on a mission in House Deneith and released, you would end up next to that spirit binder instead of the Harbor for example. It should cost something to do this because I'm sure quite a few ppl would be interested.

    6) DDO store idea. Wand of locate person or some other item. If you have it on your character, you gain access to a drop down menu box with all the important NPCs in that map. It will tell highlight the Anvilfire Inn if you select Laird Stromvauld while in House Deneith Enclave.

    7) Adding flavor. It would be a cool feature to be able to see and possibly fire a heavy ballista or some other siege weapon on the walls of the city. Fire it out into the countryside or turn it around and fire it into town. Who knows, they could make a mission to where the character has to jump on one of a dozen heavy ballista to shoot down a flying dragon. They have to hurry otherwise the fire will damage the weapon and fail the mission if they get past the dragon fear effect that is.

    8) Custom tunes. Not sure if the song file is downloaded to the person's computer but sometimes it would be nice to hear something different when combat is close. A small sound clip can replace the standard one. Not sure how feasible that would be but just a thought.

    9) A wishing well. You drop 1 cp in and you have like a 1 in 1000 chance of getting a bundle (20) of arrows or something similar. Drop 1 sp and you get the same chances but with something worth 10 pp. Drop 1 gp and you might get something worth 100 pp. Drop 1 pp and you have a chance to get let's say two Potions of Wonder. Like I said, it's petty but some ppl will toss in the coin anyway.

    10) Polymorph station. Temporary change the creature the person is into something different. You can check out your stats as if you were a Fire Giant and toss rocks at things. Not sure how the game mechanics would handle it but it's a thought.

    11) In the PvP arena, you can have summoned monster fights. You can buff your creature for 20 sec then off they go. A temporary barrier blocks any spells from affecting the creatures during the fight. Also a barrier prevents any spells to be cast on the opposing monster. PETA might have a problem with this since they are against any form of violence with animals.

    That's all I have for now.

  2. #2
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    i'm sure PETA has nothing on hell hounds.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    1.) I think there is something like this maybe you're wanting the word limit increased but I'm sure that you can put notes on each friend in your list. I use it all the time

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Thanks morticianjohn I didn't know that about the comments on the social page.

    12) It would be nice to add notes to a map. Sometimes chests and healing stations do not show up. These notes will be temporary on mission maps and more permanent on area maps (like the Harbor, Marketplace, etc.)
    A good example is the Port Agent in the Harbor doesn't show up on my map.

    13) Object recall. Sometimes when you are doing solo missions you need your hireling to do certain things. Turn a valve, flip a lever, rest. Maybe Ctrl + Tab to cycle through those saved objects.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    3.) I'm also wondering if I'm missing something. Why can't I scroll through the list of buffs. Many times I just want to see the person's lvl or I'm looking for a specific buff they may or may not have but I can't see those things.

    I think your list is too long. That's why you're not getting much discussion.
    Last edited by morticianjohn; 01-30-2011 at 06:04 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Not sure how that answers #3 though. The person might just come from the battle area and have multiple spells on them. I can't see anything but the last section of their bio.

    14) A watch tab for the auction. Some items I like but don't want to spend my cash now. Call it opportunity costs and all. It would be nice to put something in a tab where I'm interested. The timer thing is a bit annoying though for those who like to last minute shop.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    15) Chat box dump button so it will clear all the previous text. Why do you ask? Sometimes you just want to know how much sneak attack damage you did and if you clear combat results, that may include the opening attack.

    16) Auction check boxes. You have a way to restrict level and by exact phrase. It would be nice to see if there were items only meant for your race. Since there are only 9 or so, that shouldn't be difficult to add in. Maybe a simpler way would have a box "Show items I am eligible for" would be great.

  8. #8
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    just some toughts...

    1) you can already add a one liner. what i'd like to see is this one liner in the guild list, since the other two tabs have them.

    2) /signed, looks like something very basic that is missing, like the whole sorting was until the recent update that added it.
    And no, clicking 22 times fast don't work because there's a delay between each page.
    Furthermore, by the time you get there the last page is blank and you have to start again.

    3) there's the 'detailed description' in the ui options.
    The mouseover doesn't work with auction items, which needs fixing, but works otherwise.
    but yeah, a scroller bar would be good.

    4) won't work because you can fill it with consumables and they sell them in the store.
    they added the repair efreet so they can add such things if they can make it work.

    5) well, defeats having to bind or attune per se. but there's no reason there can't be more farshifters in stormreach that move you between taverns and locations.

    6) maybe it's just the map that needs tweaking, like bigger tooltip or one level of zoom.

    7) there's a few ballistas in some newer quests, and some are big enough to fling things across the map.

    8) for variety with in-game music yeah some variety can be useful. maybe a bard hireling can change the tune?
    for your own music some people just leave mic open to all in the party, but this can cause lag.
    if it is for yourself then just leave your music running in windows, but this can cause lag too.

    9) there's a chest of wishing with a 1 in 1000 chance of getting something nice, but it is guarded by palumak

    10) they are still working on pets and having you control creatures other than the hirelings.
    and then proper illusion magic would be as important as transmutations when it come to shapes.

    11) while i won't want pvp specific features, there's actual rules for summoning duels in pnp.
    it will be fairly fun to have your pet duel another.

    12) looks like something to bug report if the port agent or any major npc isn't in the map.
    as for chests they appear when you are near, and for the shrines you need to be really close.
    from #6 maybe you are having trouble perusing the map? i agree it needs bigger icons and tooltips or zoom.

    13) the hireling needs to be able to find levers in front of him, this needs fixing yeah.
    i heard the way hirelings interact with levers has changed in the past, but not sure how or if it's better or worse.
    on crucible you could lose focus on the lever, but if the hireling was close enough he will pull it anyways.
    (otherwise he will try to go to you and back, because a hireling can be a mess on a maze).

    14) maybe only if you actually bid on the items, else it'd be a ninja's nightmare

    15) looks easier than having combat feedback options in the chatbox, as opposed as the global combat feedback options in the ui options.
    it's all about readability, so yeah some improvement will be nice.

    16) well items you can use don't have the red or yellow box, filtering them out may be overkill but more search options will be nice.
    what the auction needs now that there's sort and title search is full ability search, because just the title isn't enough.

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