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  1. #1
    Community Member lunaticcat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Warning Mature Content - Terrible abuse

    I've considered not posting this at all, but quite frankly I feel the content is too strong and wrong to be ignored. I know some of you wont care, but for those of you do do, please take a look at some of the action items you can help with - please move forward with any efforts to stop this type of person and business.

    I'm proud of the fact that my state has passed safe livestock laws and prevented abuse such as this - more need to get it done.

    Simply put, in my opinion the animals in these links do not have 4 legs.

    Take action if you feel this should change.
    Last edited by lunaticcat; 01-28-2011 at 12:14 AM.
    Archangels (Thelanis)
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  2. #2
    Community Member SardaofChaos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    If you want to be taken seriously...

    *Don't use caps all over official statements
    *Provide proof that who you're fighting is who you say they are(a simple video doesn't count, especially considering the candid nature of said video)
    *Don't repeat yourself throughout official statements
    *Don't use the phrase 'mature content' with content that isn't for anyone, let alone mature people

    Really, something would have been done about it already if anyone could point at a specific person and prove it was them. This looks much more like a smear campaign against someone, executed by even worse people than the kind of people they're trying to hurt.

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