Quote Originally Posted by Itachi83 View Post

Well, exactly what makes them overpowered in content with mobs that die in one hit?
+2 to every stat, +2 to hit, +2 damage, natural AC, +1 to every skill, 30 point resist, etc etc etc, all at level 1.
And you don't think that's OP.

I find it funny that most longer term players constantly ask for less Easy Buttons, and constantly complain that the game has been dumbed down so much, but when these buffs are called into question they don't have a problem with it at all.

So let me ask you, do you think the game has been dumbed down too much? Do you think it's too easy? Do you want more challenge? Do you want less Easy Buttons?
If you answered Yes to these questions then how can you think they aren't OP?

These were valid complaints before guild ships ever existed. Now, with them, it basically means that if you die anytime at ALL before level 10 or so while running level appropriate content, for any reason, you need to learn to play.
These buffs simply compound the issue.